Lewes Forum thread

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On 19 Sep 2013 at 12:00pm Fracking wrote:
Will people please stop mentioning fracking. I've just about had enough of fracking.On and on and on they go. Fracking,fracking,fracking,fracking.
At every opportunity they mention it.Don't they have anything better to do than than to endlessly talk about fracking?
Ther are plenty of other things to talk about rather than fracking.
Can't they have their own forum, here they can keep mentioning fracking all the time. Maybe they could call it the fracking forum
Please no more mentioning thr word fracking its driving me fracking nuts.
On 19 Sep 2013 at 12:03pm Anti Fracking wrote:
Is this the fracking thread?
On 19 Sep 2013 at 1:49pm Lewes Against Fracking wrote:
Lewes Against Fracking will be meeting again tonight at the Lewes Arms .7.30
On 19 Sep 2013 at 3:05pm Clarkson not welcome. wrote:
The third celebratory Belt it Out Balcombe organised by Simon Wesh the poet and all round splendid chap will be happening this Sunday at the Balcombe Protection camp.
The event starts at 2 and finishes at 4.
Expect great poetry, singing and groovy dancing.Be there or be Jeremy Clarkson. What a frightening thought eh?

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John Adams