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For Zola about ghostly going ons

On 1 May 2009 at 9:06pm rene wrote:
My friend use to live at the steps end of Talbot Terrace,and she use to spend many a night on her own and reckoned she had few ghostly things happen.She said it was because the monks tunnel runs under those houses how true that is i don't know,and am not about to find out.
On 1 May 2009 at 10:23pm zola wrote:
Thanks for that Rene...Strange things used to happen when I was little in that area,but I think I was too young to be scared,Ir was just accepted that there was a ghost...And he/she used to 'visit' more than one house in our street.
On 3 May 2009 at 7:08pm Hedwig wrote:
According to a book on "Haunted Sussex", Broomans Lane in Lewes is haunted, apparently there was a fire there years ago and someone died.
On 3 May 2009 at 7:15pm Laird Landport wrote:
NO!! can't believe it SOMEONE DIED - bet every house in Lewes has seen at least one death in its time - P'Ah!
On 3 May 2009 at 8:06pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
Interesting Hedwig, by Andrew Green? There are two mentionings for Lewes: HM Prison - Sightings of Lady in Victorian Clothing in 1980 and as recent as 1996 by prison wardens. 4/5 North Street - 1995, a boy is reported to be seen, footsteps, noises etc. It's said it's the manifestation of a nine year old boy which was killed by a bomb on January 20 1943. Zola, have at least 10 books here and 10 others which somone else has borrowed at the moment. You are welcome to them.
On 3 May 2009 at 10:06pm Naughty Knickers wrote:
I had a friend tell me about a lady in bridal attire near the prison she was walking along and then vanished! im so keeping my eyes peeled around Lewes xx

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