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On 6 Sep 2009 at 5:18pm Game for a Laugh wrote:
I'm between football teams at the moment, and want to keep in shape on a Sunday morning with an informal kickabout somewhere in Lewes (adults, rather than kids, as sadly past prime). Do people still meet up on Convent field? Any other suggestions?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 5:30pm Spongebob wrote:
Try The Dripping pan. failing that, Withdean stadium !!!! :-D
On 6 Sep 2009 at 7:16pm Taxc Payer wrote:
I'm inbetween "senses of humour" at the moment - shall I try "moronic imbecile" or "puerile tw@" - Spongebob where do you sit on THIS question as you are clearly an expert in both?...
On 6 Sep 2009 at 8:55pm George passed his Best wrote:
A load of 'not quite good enough for a proper team' people tip up at the convent field at 6pm Sundays
On 6 Sep 2009 at 9:31pm Game for a Laugh wrote:
Sounds promising GphB. It used to be mornings, didn't it? What will happen when it starts getting dark earlier?
On 7 Sep 2009 at 4:13pm Be careful wrote:
Watch out the the council will try and charge you if they think it is organised!
On 7 Sep 2009 at 6:15pm Game for a Laugh wrote:
Be careful, reminds me of a bus I was stuck on going from Istanbul to Amsterdam. Stopped in the former Yugoslavia for a loo break, and some woman sat there charging 5 zloty for the loos. Of course nobody had any Yugoslav money, but she didn't care, so everyone on the bus had to go into the field behind the loos to do their business. There's definitely a moral in there somewhere.
On 7 Sep 2009 at 6:39pm Confused.... wrote:
I've heard they've done that before BC. Not sure I really get your point Gfal?
On 7 Sep 2009 at 7:33pm Game for a Laugh wrote:
The moral being, it's ridiculous to charge people for something that should be free. Especially if there are unpleasant side effects if people can't pay!

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