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Food Recyling Bags

On 8 Mar 2014 at 11:52pm Bongo wrote:
The 99p shops are selling rolls of those bio-degradable food recycling bags. Bought some, though the local council are bound to disapprove.
On 8 Mar 2014 at 11:58pm Fruitfly wrote:
The ones supplied seem to have a habit of biodegrading before the bin man collects.
On 9 Mar 2014 at 9:32am 99 PIRATES AINT ONE wrote:
Where be these 99p shops?
Anyone seem moi plank?
On 9 Mar 2014 at 1:39pm Sjep76 wrote:
I have a nearly full roll of these bags if anybody would like them. Email me at [email protected]
On 9 Mar 2014 at 7:41pm 8 miles from home wrote:
Use newspaper.
On 10 Mar 2014 at 1:17pm Old Cynic wrote:
Whatever you use the bin men chuck it on the floor - half of my box was strewn up the road last week and I had to clear it up as it seems to be beyond their remit to wield a broom. Who is responsible and where can I give them feedback?
On 10 Mar 2014 at 7:12pm stands to reason wrote:
Many years ago when I was at school, the canteen had a pig bin for leftovers. I had assumed to LDC greybox scheme would be the same & noted the new refuse trucks with separate section for this waste. I also noted that to deal with the additional work the refuse trucks were manned with 4 people rather than 3 like before. Ok, up to a point. But the point is the few people in my street who do support the scheme have their grey foodwaste bins emptied into the same trash at the back of the refuse truck along with everything else. I suppose it ticks a few boxes for somebody somewhere.
On 10 Mar 2014 at 10:43pm Bongo wrote:
It's an excellent scheme - it's great for off-loading used cat litter (it's plant based, and they only wee in it), uneaten cat food, mice (thanks, cats!), and anything laying around in my fridge that looks too dodgy to eat!
On 12 Mar 2014 at 12:50am JillG wrote:
Sjep76, thank you very much for the roll of bags! I soldier on despite doubts and setbacks.

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