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Flood Management

On 3 Jan 2010 at 9:41am Amy wrote:
Hi i hope you all have had a great christmas and new year!
Im an undergraduate Geography student at the university of sussex, hoping to conduct a research project, on local participation in flood management decisons in the Lewes town area.
Im looking for active members of the local community, who feel strongly about the importance of local knowledge and the need to have local input in decsions regarding flood provention methods and flood management.
If you are a member of the local community who feels that they might be interested or have anything to say regarding this topic, it would be great to hear from you! Im hoping to conduct some semi structured interviews which will last no longer than an hour, arranged around a time and place in Lewes that will suit each participant, hopfully starting in mid January (I realise this is quite short notice but if anyone could spare the time i would be very grateful).
So if anyone is interested in taking part in my study or would like more information please dont hestiate to contact me either via the forum or email me directly to [email protected].
Thankyou for your time, i hope to hear from you soon.
Amy Marston
On 5 Jan 2010 at 8:00pm wanderer wrote:
did you not hear about the defra meeting in november held in lewes about flood defences for houses?

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John Adams