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Filming at the Cliffe

On 27 Mar 2009 at 10:52am Naughty Knickers wrote:
Does anybody know what was being filmed on Cliffe Bridge today? There i was thinking it was my big moment, my chance at fame and then the camera was pointed at another less entertaining lady...i bet her knickers were not a patch on mine
On 27 Mar 2009 at 12:35pm FA wrote:
They were there wednesday too.
On 27 Mar 2009 at 1:20pm rookwood wrote:
Apparently it was a BT advert.
On 27 Mar 2009 at 1:20pm Lewes Laugher wrote:
They're doing a documentary on Lewes as one of the south east's prime shopping centres for those interested in twine, newly-made antique furniture and cold coffee.
On 27 Mar 2009 at 4:06pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
On 28 Mar 2009 at 8:18am Dog In A Cape. wrote:
Aren't they filming in the pub opposite the memorial at the top of School Hill. I heard they were filming a reality show there. You know...crap pub turns into even crapper pub sort of thing. They have been there all last week. Maybe it was something to do with that. They're always filming something or tother. Don't ask who Tother is.
On 28 Mar 2009 at 9:54pm minky wrote:
they are filmimg a property makeover in the pub.
On 29 Mar 2009 at 11:09am Dog In A Cape. wrote:
I used to lust after a woman who worked in a shop called minky.... she got married.. ahhh. A property makeover, does that mean its going to be a ten story set of luxury flats in future?

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