Lewes Forum thread

Go on, tell 'em what you think

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On 5 Dec 2009 at 1:34am M Reineke wrote:
People, may you please take a minute and reflect. I'm not a saint myself and wouldn't want to pass myself as a do-gooder, if that's how it's
spelt, but really worry for this forum. Some people on here may not like each other, which is normal and inevitable. The odd wind-up and snippy
comment which goes with it is fine too and may even entertain. But please look at it from this angle: Webbo runs this forum for free for us and
invests his time. May we respect it as a place where we can talk, discuss and post items of interest to us, the wider community and outsiders. Something we and Webbo can be proud of. It's frustrating and boring to see when posts are hijacked and new one's created to serve some sort of personal vendetta or malicious urge. All it will do is drive forum users away, frustrate Webbo and at the end of the day we will cut our own flesh. That is when Webbo introduces compulsory registration or had enough of taking down threads and closes the forum for good. Would be nice if we all can hold it back a bit and make it a pleasant place again. If there's a requirement, perhaps we can have a Friday Bitch thread?
On 5 Dec 2009 at 5:43am spongebob wrote:
You fancy webbo don't you !!!
On 5 Dec 2009 at 9:16am Long Distance Whelker wrote:
Well said M Reineke.
I have found it uncomfortable to watch some of the abhorrent posts that have been put up on this forum during the last month. These malicious and vile posters have openly declared their dislike of Lewes and appear hell-bent on trying to sabotage the forum for other users - frequently defaming others in the process.
Maybe Webbo could block their IP addresses?
On 5 Dec 2009 at 12:24pm M Reineke wrote:
Indeed Lambretta - 'Majority rule: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organised group can make decisions binding on the whole group'.
On 5 Dec 2009 at 12:44pm Regular wrote:
I have been here quite a while and have seen the forum build up to what it is today.
I think Webby has good reason to be proud of his forum.Considering there is no registration I think on the whole it is pretty peaceful and well ordered.
Yes,a couple of posters get on my nerves but they will (hopefully) get bored and go onto something else.You are always going to get a few on a forum like this.
I'm surprised we don't get more...
If you feel there are posts from posters you may not like or agree with,just don't go onto that thread.That's what I do.
Don't change it Webby,it is fine as it is!
On 5 Dec 2009 at 1:15pm I dont live in lewes... wrote:
I can't disagree with you save that in your first post you seem to be pre-empting Webbo.
This is Webbo's domain and rightly he can do as he wishes.
I don't think this forum is any different to any other open forum with regard to trolls.
Trolls and idiots are part of internet life and providing you don't engage them they usually get bored and fade away.
I haven't seen a great number of threads deleted because of them, certainly not enough for it to be regarded as a problem.
I have noticed that trolls and idiots are on the increase and more threads have been spoiled.
I agree that if the owner wanted to make this a more serious forum then registration would be the way to achieve that
When it reaches the stage when the fun is gone my solution as a forum user is to simply delete this site from my favorites.

On 5 Dec 2009 at 1:35pm woo wrote:
I agree, ignore the idiots comments and they'll get bored and retreat back to the Daily Mail forums.
On 5 Dec 2009 at 2:19pm NCG wrote:
at least when we are online we have options that we do not have in real life. when one accesses a forum, it is our own choice to do so. from there, there are even more options! (fun, yeah? it's almost like ordering a sandwich!) read all the comments. read some of the comments. read none of the comments. take the comments personally and allow them to ruin your day.. laugh at the silliness of others and don't give it a second thought. add a site to favorites, or delete it from there. cyberspace is NOT the twilight zone. WE are in control of our online experience!
fondest regards from my side of the pond,
deb B-)
On 6 Dec 2009 at 7:57am Bunter wrote:
When did 'choices' become 'options'?
On 6 Dec 2009 at 6:35pm i dont live in lewes... wrote:
In your world or ours?
On 7 Dec 2009 at 4:46pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
I like the way the posts just fall off the bottom of the front page. Also, it is nice to have an original interface, rather than one of the off-the-shelf ones. If this was a pub, I could imagine a few people getting banned or slapped. I like a trenchant opinion or a strong well argued discussion or debate. It makes the forum worth a visit. Trolling and thread sabotaging are a small price to pay.

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