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Extinction rebellion protest in Lewes

On 4 Nov 2019 at 11:37pm skanthunt42 wrote:
I can safely assume anybody on here with more than any brain capacity can agree that extinction rebellion is getting out of hand. I propose we protest against extinction rebellion to give them a taste of the chaos they are unleashing. I've already started burning plastic in my backyard. Down with the environment, Down with extinction rebellion.
On 5 Nov 2019 at 7:25am David Stanley wrote:
How would you describe your own" brain capacity"?
On 5 Nov 2019 at 11:23am Stephen watson wrote:
I understand that some people might be annoyed at a symbol painted on the road. But if were talking about things that are getting out of hand...

I'm in my 60s now, and since I was a boy, 60% of the mammals, birds, fish and reptiles that existed then have vanished. Let that sink in. Most of the world's wildlife, gone in less than a lifetime. We're now in the middle of one of the planet's great extinction events. Except that this time it's not a giant meteorite that's causing it. It's us.

Since I was born, the amount of CO2 - the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere - has increased by 34%, and it's going up faster than ever. If we continue with business as usual we're on course for sea level rises of between 0.5m to 2m by the end of this century (depending on various factors, including how fast the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapses.) 2m will flood many of the world's major cities including London, and some of the world's most fertile farmland, and destroy entire island nations. Oh, and flood all the lower parts of parts of Lewes, including Cliffe.

Then there's the deaths from heatwaves, crop failures from drought, the increasingly severe storms, disease, and inevitable mass migration on a scale that you can't comprehend. And resulting from all this, likely wars over who gets to control the bits of the planet that are still habitable.

So, I understand that you might be upset by a warning sign on the road painted by somebody who wants to alert people to the things that are REALLY getting out of hand. But next time you see a child, look in their eyes and ask whether, when they are grown up, they'll think you had your priorities right.
On 5 Nov 2019 at 11:42am Sleeveless wrote:
I can’t help thinking they should look a bit further away from home. China building a new coal fired power plant every 2 weeks, and Greece with the biggest coal fired plants in Europe hoping to build more.
On 5 Nov 2019 at 11:50am Bert wrote:
Stop making babies then, 250 births globally every minute ! No room for nature on this planet. Do the maths !
On 5 Nov 2019 at 12:43pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Sure, if we do sod all then we can blame population. Or we could just all do more to accomodate each other and protect the environment. I'm pretty sure the life expectancy of the planet should we, for example, adopt universally a plant-based diet would be hugely extended. But I get that some people wish to be selfish. it's human nature for many.
On 6 Nov 2019 at 2:36pm GodInyou wrote:
I agree, stop making babies then !
On 7 Nov 2019 at 9:23am Sensible wrote:
Global man-made climate change is simply not happening. That is what all available evidence shows. It is time to drill and dig for more energy, not less, because the sum of man's progress and wellbeing is dictated by energy consumption and military security. It is moral to consume more energy, not less.
On 7 Nov 2019 at 2:01pm Buzzard wrote:
Sensible (sic), that sort of denialism may work in America, but we Brits are far too smart to fall for it. To fool people in the UK about climate, you have to pretend to care a lot, make a few highly publicised token gestures (like a tempory gas fracking pause that you pretend is a proper ban) and then do nothing (except get on with drilling oil, opening new coal mines, etc).
On 8 Nov 2019 at 11:33am Tom Pain wrote:
"In search of a new enemy to unite us we came up with the idea of pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages and the like would fit the bill.All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it's only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome..... The real enemy is then humanity itself." Club of Rome "The First Global Revolution" This was their answer to the fall of the USSR and the lack of a political enemy.Fit the bill,eh? It certainly did. Propaganda's endless repetition of slogans always works. Now it's Weather of Mass Destruction!

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