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Even Tories can see the joke

On 8 Feb 2016 at 1:35pm William Pitt wrote:
'Hardly surprising that Osborne’s vows of budget responsibility are treated with derision by the experts given his squandermania has seen public sector debt double and he consistently failed to achieve his deficit forecasts in the last parliament. The IFS note that “The first official figures showing whether or not Mr Osborne has met his target of running a surplus in 2019–20 should be published days ahead of the 2020 general election”. If Osborne is Tory leader, voters will have a very clear indication of his performance just days before they go to the polls…
'Guido suspects Osborne will copy the tactics of his predecessor Gordon Brown and raid pensions. Already we are being softened up with suspicious briefings about “pension reform”. Hold on to your wallets and prepare for a massive tax hike on pensions. This time on higher rate pension contributions, increasing the tax burden on the older and wealthier – predominantly Tory voters – who Osborne calculates have nowhere else to go politically…'

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On 8 Feb 2016 at 1:41pm The Younger wrote:
Nice cut+paste Dad
On 8 Feb 2016 at 5:15pm wheres the joke wrote:
Cameron and Osborne have caused enormous damage and pain to the people of Britain including those who elected them, where is the joke ? , because I cant see what is funny.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 5:21pm William Pitt wrote:
I'm sorry if you can't see the joke where's the joke. The joke is Osborne, Cameron and Idiot Duncan Smith and their 'hard working families' 'long term economic plan' lies. And, as you say, the fools who elected them.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 5:29pm The Younger wrote:
With you on that Dad.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 8:01pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Where's the joke? Bliar and Brown cased enormous damage to the economy of our country- both to those who did, and did not elect them in the first ten years of this century, and the end three of the last.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 8:26pm William Pitt wrote:
You're right Sussex Jim, Blair and Brown did enormous damage to the British economy, largely through following Thatcherite so-called 'free market' policies and most of all in failing to regulate the banks sufficiently. We are still paying the price for that. Unfortunately we are not in a position to elect or reject the real villains, the bankers.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 4:51am Sussex Dim wrote:
I vote Tory because a couple of Thatcherites in the Labour Party destroyed our economy. The Tories wouldn't have done the same because they complained that Brown hadn't gone far enough with deregulation of the banks, and when they finally got elected they insisted the bankers should get rewarded with tax funded bonuses, while us plebs can swallow a bit of austerity.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 8:06am Ghost of Maggie wrote:
You two are the Pitts - to paraphrase Mr. Mc Enroe. Just rejoice and be thankful that I can only influence you lot via my medium who posts here for me . They do it for free as getting £ out of dear Mark was impossible even when I was alive. We are saving a place @ our right hand for my medium, whose altruism reflects true Victorian Values.
On 10 Feb 2016 at 2:20pm Old_Bloke wrote:
No change on here
The bitter, spiteful and uninformed left is still at it
On 11 Feb 2016 at 11:54pm wrote:
Oh dear, people are bitter about being cheated? What rascals!
It's a shame they can't be as good people as the Osbornes are.

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