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Election and Brexit

On Tue 25 Jun at 10:10pm Nevillman wrote:
I received a newsletter online from Maria caulfield in which she states what she sees as the achievements of the government and herself. The biggest thing this government did was Brexit. There is no mention of Brexit in the whole newsletter. Can they really find nothing to state as an achievement from that? Isn't that kind of an admission they got that one wrong? Who knew?
On Wed 26 Jun at 7:12pm Green Sleeves wrote:
For about a week after the Brexit bill "passed" in 2020, tories, headbanging brexiters, BoJo, Mogg et al, all were saying how amazing it was and how they "got brexit DONE".....but that was a few years back, and they've been awfully quiet since. I'd imagine it has a lot to do with the fact it was a complete failure, as to why they don't harp on about it. I doubt they're going overboard about an expensive off-shore detention centre in a country recovering from one of the biggest genocides in recent decades, either. Its hard to pinpoint what good the tories have done in 14 years....its slim pickings. You wouldn't really expect much from self-serving sociopaths who tend to go into politics to further themselves rather than for their communities or constituencies. Other than maybe higher-tax rate breaks. Bravo.
On Thu 27 Jun at 2:32pm Tom Pain wrote:
Brexit in name only. Anyone who saw the Bridgen video would know that Rwanda was a decoy, they knew it wouldn't happen. No one who saw it would vote Tory either, or for any other wing of the uniparty.
On Mon 1 Jul at 7:08pm Nevillman wrote:
"Brexit in name only"???? In what additional sense could we have left the EU Tom? Please don't refer me to a video for your response.
On Mon 1 Jul at 7:18pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Yeah I would be curious to know as well, as we left the customs Union and single market and ended free movement (that pretty much constitutes a "hard brexit"). Do we have to create our own continent now, "Brittania", to ensure further divergence from those evil European neighbours?
On Tue 2 Jul at 10:17pm Tom Pain wrote:
I've been unable to see a block on the movement of anyone coming to this country. Try looking at Ukraine where they're shooting people and blowing them up with landmines to stop them leaving.
On Wed 3 Jul at 8:55am Green Sleeves wrote:
You obviously haven't moved around before/since Brexit. People from Britain now require visas to live and work in the EU, and vice-versa. That is what the ending of freedom of movement means - and this has had a knock-on effect and impact on specific migration that was an economic benefit and reciprocal.

I have no idea what your point about Ukraine is. I'm guessing its some pro-Putin line or take. I'm sure Putin is quite happy to see his people flee his country as well. He tends to just blow up people in passenger jets.
On Wed 3 Jul at 3:06pm Nevillman wrote:
Totally incorrect Tom. There are big restrictions on people from EU countries living and working in this country to the extent that the government has to allow people from non EU countries in to do some essential jobs. Ukraine is not in the EU so irrelevant to a discussion on immigration from the EU.
There are also big restrictions on the ability of UK citizens to travel and work in the EU. A big problem for many who would have liked to work in the EU countries.
Please can you come up with another example of how Brexit could have been more effectively implemented so that we could any benefit from it.
On Sun 7 Jul at 6:03pm Tom Pain wrote:
Bad guess based on bigotry and Russophobia. Dictator zelenskyyy has mined the border to stop people escaping the press gang due to the USA/BlackRock proxy war mincing machine. How long before starmer sends you over there? Do you know anyone who's been inconvenienced by these fiendish restrictions nev? Certainly not our channel dinghy visitors.
On Mon 8 Jul at 10:02am Nevillman wrote:
As we are no longer in the EU we cannot turn potential migrants back to the EU country they left from so it is an advantage to them that we left. As for knowing people who have been inconvenienced by the restrictions on freedom of movement we previously enjoyed then yes. I know of many people who would describe it as far more than just being 'inconvenienced' by threstrictions. They have had to change country.
Additionally, Goodman Sachs estimates that the UK economy is growing by 5% less than we could otherwise have expected which equates to around £1000 less income per household pa.
I would really love to hear about some benefit of Brexit Tom to stop me being quite so annoyed about the whole thing. At least tell me how much you value the sovereignty you have acquired or how much you enjoy the freedom from an EU law that was annoying you or that you really like the bendy bananas you are now allowed.
On Tue 9 Jul at 8:29pm Tom Pain wrote:
You'd be much better off looking for a common law or constitutional website where it could be better articulated than by me. Our common law rights and liberties, very much ignored and eroded are not available on the continent where they have Roman or Napoleonic law. I don't like the EU political system which is based on the Soviet model with an unelected commission above a parliament. It's all very complicated and hard to discuss with a bent banana mentality as you are very well aware.
On Wed 10 Jul at 3:54pm Nevillman wrote:
Do you ever read what you have written and think that what you have said means nothing at all. I suspect you lack even the first element of self awareness that would enable you to do that Tom.
What specific common law rights of yours were eroded by the Napoleonic russian influenced EU laws? How has your life been improved by Brexit in any way at all? How could Brexit have been implemented any more effectively? Please try to avoid the usual blather that you usually consider is a post and deal with these questions Tom. You could alternatively admit you got conned along with 52% of the electorate into voting for something that has actually made the lives of many people in the UK and EU worse.

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