Lewes Forum thread

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On 7 Oct 2012 at 6:55pm The Greek wrote:
In the wake of blue rookie-gate, whatever happened to the Eggs? Or Tanton Thunder Ropes?
They were nice and loud, had a very long, safe fuse and were made of string, paper and foil. As they were egg-shaped they had no bungs. These threw out no dangerous debris at all.
Even the red rookies still have a hard cardboard bung in the end which can hurt a lot!
Tanton would be on to a winner if they started making these again.
On 9 Oct 2012 at 12:59pm someone else wrote:
I sometimes wonder about how many ropes these companies sell year round, and how many they sell in the general vicinity of Lewes at this time of year. The number of rookies used must be far in excess of 10,000, surely? Possibly even 50,000? You would think there was a case for Bonco asking someone to manufacture a special 'bung-free' product, but I guess they cannot be seen to condone or encourage what is ultimately an illegal activity.
On 10 Oct 2012 at 7:10am Bonfire boy wrote:
I have had a look for these again as found a box in my garage, I got them from countrystore.co.uk and they were delivered by our local post man. But alas it would seem they have even stopped stocking them!
On 10 Oct 2012 at 9:19pm The Greek wrote:
It's just we have a real problem with rooks and deer in Sussex in autumn.
On 11 Oct 2012 at 7:28pm BonfireLAD wrote:
Made a call to tanton today to find out that they are not even imported into the country anymore! Seems as though you have a very rare treat in your possession Bonfire boy. I bet you would get a very good price for that box on the bonfire black market

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