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Easter Cricket for Juniors: Lewes Priory CC

On 10 Mar 2015 at 9:32am lewes priory cricketclub wrote:
EASTER CRICKET FOR JUNIORS AT LPCC with Sussex Cricket County Holiday Roadshow at The Stanley Turner Ground (Lewes Priory CC) thursday 2nd April 2015 10.00-3.00 £15 for the day See www.sussexcricket.co.uk/holiday-roadshows to sign up.
Indoor cricket training for juniors and seniors continues on Sunday afternoons for the next two weeks at Lewes Leisure Centre for younger Juniors and in the evening at Plumpton College for older juniors and seniors. For these sessions (unlike the Easter one) please just turn up:
3.00-4.00 u9s at Lewes Leisure Centre
4.00-5.00 u10s at Lewes Leisure Centre
3.30-4.30 u11s at Lewes Leisure Centre
4.30-5.30 u12s at Lewes Leisure Centre
6.00-7.00 u13s at Plumpton college
7.00-8.00 u14s and 15s at Plumpton college
8.00-9.30 Seniors at Plumpton college
Come one and all!

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