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East Chiltingtons wildlife

On 19 Sep 2016 at 10:05am Newty-McNewty of the clan McNewt wrote:
East Chiltingtons wildlife is very important to me and should be to everyone living here - or so you might think. However, bit by bit we are losing what is precious, and the wildlife are losing their habit. Species are declining at an alarming rate, and much of this has in the past been down to post war intensive farming, with the over use of fertilizers and pesticides, plus the removal of ancient hedges. Fortunately, there has been in recent years a move to rectify some of this damage - with set aside land, left alone field strips, and hedge replanting.In addition, a small minority of local farmers have gone organic- which is far more wildlife friendly. Most though not all wildlife, thrives on neglect, and that is why small areas of redundant waste land are so important. Not everyone in East Chiltington cares one way or the another, but that's their loss and that of their children. Thankfully, the overwhelming recent condemnation of the proposed caviar farm along Chiltington Lane shows that most do care about their quiet rural surroundings. Indeed, I know of no one in favour of this development - and for the developer to say 'IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT - DON'T LIVE THERE' speaks volumes - it's an insult to those who have lived in the Parish before he was even born. East Chiltington is a marvelous place to live - but it is under threat, with more development on it's way. And if you really care - you will have to fight to protect what you have.
On 19 Sep 2016 at 11:04am Billy wrote:
Suggest you start at the lake just north of the Jolly Sportsman. Get rid of those kids who party there on Saturday nights and leave all their trash - probably 150 plus last Saturday.
On 19 Sep 2016 at 1:44pm Zebedee wrote:
Thanks for that info Billy. I'm guessing that must be the Plumpton party gathering that my 15 year old son was trying to persuade us to let him go to. Good to know where they occur.
On 19 Sep 2016 at 3:07pm Billy wrote:
Gosh, I'm useful at something. Thank you. The gathering seems to have grown over the summer. Started with half a dozen camping under a tarpaulin by the lake. Goes on all night - I walk my dog past there on Sunday mornings. Lots seem to arrive from Haywards Heath direction by train, each loaded with bottles of cider.
On 19 Sep 2016 at 4:38pm ECOWARRIOR wrote:
Newty where ever have you been? Crowy's still around with his all seeing eye, and Hooty stares into the night. Only seven of The Seven is left practicing in Sussex. There are clouds over this place, and pending desecration will be followed by sickness. We must cease using this medium. Meet me by the lightning tree - on the first of the rise.

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