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Early morning dog mess!

On 20 Sep 2011 at 9:24am Hedley Lamarr wrote:
I walk down the High Street at about 6.40 in the morning and each day have to dodge (usually well placed in a shop doorway) a pile of dod sh1t! Its fresh as its still steaming sometimes (sorry to be so graphic). I think, as a rule, that dog owners are now very considerate - especially around town but this person really takes the biscuit! Shame on you whoever you are.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 9:34am Shardlake wrote:
Couldn't agree more. Anti-social t*ssers. It only takes two seconds to bag it up and bin it. Grrrr!!!
On 20 Sep 2011 at 10:11am robsta wrote:
WCs in our homes yet soggy faeces on our pavements, but hey! let's persecute the private motorist eh? Y'know it makes (financial) sense........
On 20 Sep 2011 at 12:36pm kettle wrote:
Huh? - I think you'll find that cars are a much worse problem to the environment than dogs.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 12:48pm Clifford wrote:
Oh come on kettle, you know how many people dog muck kills every year? It must be millions. Cars only kill about 2,500.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 2:17pm Yawn... wrote:
Old age is a much worse problem
On 20 Sep 2011 at 3:21pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Fair comment Cliffy, however there are 31million cars on the road in the UK. They apparently average about 800 trips a year. That's 800 31millions, a lot.
There are 10 million dogs in the UK averaging say two poops a day. That's a big number as well, but not as big as the other one. That's why cars kill more people than dog cr*p. That and dog cr*p doesn't come at you at 70 mph.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 4:46pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
A 70mph dog turd doesn't bear thinking about!
I get really hacked off with dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs. It creates a lot of anti-dog feeling which affects the responsible dog owner as well as the lazy tossers.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 5:50pm Clifford wrote:
Nice comment 'ere be monsters. I ought to add dog muck really annoys me - but then we've got cats, who are much more fastidious about where they do it.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 6:13pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
Spent 20 minutes this morning cleaning a huge and disgusting dog turd off my child's shoe. The mentality of someone who thinks it's acceptable to leave their dog's mess in the middle of a recreation ground absolutely mystifies me. When my kids were in nappies it never occurred to me that I could just tip their poo onto the ground for someone else to find, but that's no different from what some dog owners do every day.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 6:45pm jrsussex wrote:
A little of subject but I feel I have to mention this. Just last night my wife and I were at a friends house, they have 2 cats, and are mad about felines. During the 2hrs we were there one of the cats brought into their lounge a mouse(dead) and then a little later the same cat returned with a bird (also dead). I have never understood some people's undying love for what is the Uk's most prolific killer of wild life.
Because I am an animal lover I do not dislike cats but I would never have one as a pet for that reason.
My sister in Essex has 3 cats and no matter what they kill she defends them by saying that it is mother natures way. I know what you are thinking, I agree, she is cranky.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 6:56pm walkman wrote:
Some dogowners seem to think that its acceptable to leave it on paths on the downs. Just as disgusting.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 7:26pm Clifford wrote:
jrsussex - I take your point. Fortunately, one of my cats is too much of a wimp to be any kind of hunter and the other too old. Though in his day...
On 20 Sep 2011 at 7:46pm bastian wrote:
walk man I'm right with you there, I started a thread about just that and no one seemed to think it revolting at all but honestly I hate cavallier attitude others have to crap all over the downs,it is not natural...wolf poo, yes(500 years ago) not dog.
On 20 Sep 2011 at 8:19pm kettle wrote:
The worst thing about all of this is that once again everyone is talking about poo. For gawd's sake people...
On 20 Sep 2011 at 8:53pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
We'll stop talking about it when we stop treading in it!
On 20 Sep 2011 at 9:32pm KENDO CASTER wrote:
Dog mess at all times of the day, there are some lazy tossers that let the dog sh1t down by Malling kids park, there are i think 2 poo bins around the kids park, and they still leave it, if i find out who it is, i will go and sh1t on there doorstep. Grrr, it does annoy me.
On 21 Sep 2011 at 2:04pm bastian wrote:
No sh*t in apaper bag,put it on their doorstep and set light to it....then they can stamp it all over their house in panic,
sorry dog sh*t brings the vindictive streak out in me

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