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Dominic Cummings

On 30 May 2020 at 7:07am DJW wrote:
Should Maria Caulfield call for the resignation or sacking of Mr Cummings?
On 30 May 2020 at 10:22am Mark wrote:
Why is Dominic Cummings driving somewhere such an issue for people?? Boris has buried the report on Russian interference in our electoral process. The CPS has decided that it's fine that Boris gave £100k of taxpayers money to a woman that he was sleeping with. I feel that these are important issues.
On 30 May 2020 at 4:44pm Green Sleeves wrote:
You mean, should Maria Caulfield do the right thing? Yes, of course she should.....but will she?
On 30 May 2020 at 5:04pm Local99 wrote:
I think people would have more respect for the likes of Labour MPs if they were honest about precisely why they keep banging on about how DC should go. If they admitted that they're frightened of his ability to read, understand and connect with the British public – proven twice in the past few years – in a way that's head and shoulders above what they can manage themselves, then that would be welcome.
On 30 May 2020 at 5:24pm Hyena wrote:
He hasn’t connected with the British people on this occasion as he?
On 30 May 2020 at 6:42pm Nevillman wrote:
I'm prepared to admit I don't like him local but that is not the reason I think he should resign. I don't see how anyone can have any regard for what the government says was should be doing in relation to the virus while he is in post. Sadly if he goes out will only be like mandelson going a few years ago and he will not be gone.
As for whether caulfield gets involved, we shall see how ambitious she is. If she is she will say nothing. If she is merely happy to serve us and herself I would expect her to say something.
On 30 May 2020 at 9:25pm Green Sleeves wrote:
To be fair, I think Dominic Cummings staying put is actually doing the Labour party a favour. He's manipulated people to become "successful", but those that couldn't see him for who he really was before this, will be much more likely to now. Keir Starmers approval rating is going one way, Boris Johnsons is going another, and rapidly.

Both Boris and Dominic Cummings have become liabilities to both the country, and their own party. Loathsome characters almost inevitably get found out sooner or later. Call me crazy, but I always felt it was a risky strategy electing a deeply untrustworthy, narcissistic and immoral character such as Boris to lead a country during any period, let alone through the double-crisis of the outbreak and Brexit. I now see little difference between the UK voting in Boris for PM, with America electing buffoon-in-chief Donald Trump in the shame stakes. America at least only have Trump to answer for, we have Boris and Brexit.

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