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Dog running

On 24 Feb 2020 at 11:03pm pransom wrote:
Hello Lewes Forum, I have an enquiry.
Does anyone know of an enclosed field near Lewes where our delightful but errant 10 month old dog can let off steam without escaping ? We live in central Lewes
Most fields seem to have livestock or be open.
On 25 Feb 2020 at 12:20pm stevied wrote:
Landport bottom - two massive enclosed fields to the right and left of the road up to the old racecourse. One will have sheep in it, the other won't (they alternate) - there will be a sign on the gate saying which field has sheep at the moment
On 25 Feb 2020 at 4:48pm pransom wrote:
Thanks, Stevied. You’re right, They are the best fields and pretty secure, (save for the gate at the top.) She’s on heat at the moment , though and those fields are pretty full of dogs, so I was wondering about somewhere a bit more secluded.
On 26 Feb 2020 at 10:55am Nevillman wrote:
Quite a few professional dog walkers with more does than they can manage there was well. How about down by the river, North from the pells?
On 26 Feb 2020 at 8:11pm A Person wrote:
I think you're probably stuck if she's on heat. She'll be a doggo magnet for miles around.
On 28 Feb 2020 at 10:39am Tom pain wrote:
Perhaps you could get permission to use the exercise yard at Lewes prison. My dog could smell a bitch on heat from at least two miles away. On second thought,as I often had to pick him up from the cells at the police station, the cunning devil had that option covered. My only solution is to hire a few female police Alsatians as chaperones.

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