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Dog Walker?

On 6 Feb 2015 at 2:33pm casamassima wrote:
Can anyone recommend a reliable type to walk a dog during the week? Central(ish) Lewes.
Prefer to avoid anything too corporate - thinking student or retired person ideally.
On 6 Feb 2015 at 4:54pm JTG wrote:
Can you say what type of dog? Breed, large or small?
On 6 Feb 2015 at 7:06pm Southover Queen wrote:
There are several "non-corporate" types, although as far as I know they're neither students nor retired people. I met the person who walks my dog while out for a walk with my dog - I'd try going down to the Priory and asking other dog walkers for recommendations, I think.
On 6 Feb 2015 at 7:49pm Barbara Woodhouse wrote:
What breed of dog, does it get on with other dogs, how long do you want it walked for each day and where do you live?
On 6 Feb 2015 at 9:56pm Happy Dog wrote:
Best advice I can give is to insist that you ask to go with possible dog walker to see where he/she takes dog and condition of vehicle he/she transport your dog. Also anything over 4 dogs at a time is unacceptable. I've learnt this the hard way or rather the dog has.
On 7 Feb 2015 at 1:41am walkies wrote:
What point keeping a mutt if you are to lazy to walk the thing? get a cat, then being the idle person you are you can have a cat flap fitted and the puss will walk its self, it also saves you having to scoop up doo doos. I note you do not want a corporate type so not only are you idle you come across as cheap as well
On 7 Feb 2015 at 9:27am Coddy wrote:
i can recommend Graeme who sometimes walks my dog. He's looking for more work and is thoroughly reliable and loves dogs. How do I give you his number privately?
On 7 Feb 2015 at 9:33am Zebedee 2 wrote:
Try Lucy Helmes. She goes under the moniker Ringmer Waggy Walks. She has a Facebook page. Highly recommended
On 7 Feb 2015 at 11:40am Zzz.. wrote:

You are very quick to condemn someone when you have no knowledge of the circumstances that have brought them to make the request. Its like all you really want to do is be nasty to people. It's probably time you grew to like yourself.
On 7 Feb 2015 at 2:21pm Cosa Nostra wrote:
Hey casamassima I can getta one of the boys to walka da dog . You can't be too careful, thersa a lotta bad dogs out there

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