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Do rats and mice eat fish?

On 18 Feb 2009 at 2:10am THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
This tought came to my mind today. How come cats get crazy about fish but mice and rats don't (at least to my knowledge)? Both are carnivores but then fish isn't red meat.
On 18 Feb 2009 at 4:24am Piggles wrote:
No, but sheep eat rabbits.
On 18 Feb 2009 at 10:23am Pearlie wrote:
Why don't you get mouse flavoured cat food?
On 18 Feb 2009 at 10:30am FA wrote:
Rats will eat anything, and that includes fish...but usually only dead ones. Every winter, i cover up a big group of plants at work called Gunnera with straw. When they're uncovered, you would not believe the things i find in there that the rats have accumulated....dead fish skeletons, loads of snails shells, parts of frogs and toads etc.
Rats and mice are both omnivores not carnivores
On 18 Feb 2009 at 2:18pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
REALLY Piggles or has someone told you that I am extremley gullible? Pearlie, I asked Whiskas about the mouse flavoured cat food (you never listen; proof) and I was told that they only use animals that are also consumed by humans implying that it is safe for humans to eat cat food. Don't try it though! Now FA, interesting. Are you a gardener? They are very large plants and you know your omnivores.. Thanks. I have read that rats or mice will normally not eat fish in their natural habitat but do out of bins. Still there are people who say yes they do and no they don't. All I know is fish eating rats on youtube.
On 18 Feb 2009 at 6:38pm Hedwig wrote:
My rat used to eat fish all the time, she loved it.
On 19 Feb 2009 at 12:52pm Furry Moans wrote:
Rats and mice are unable to prepare and cook their own fish (can anyone confirm if they are able to fillet a fish or knock up a beer batter independently?), but will happilly devour fish in it's raw state.
On 19 Feb 2009 at 1:48pm THEINTREPIDFOX wrote:
What about Ratatouille? Those buggers are more intelligent and capable than you think. Proof you can't deny!

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