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Disposable bbq rules...

On 1 Jun 2017 at 9:46am Annabel wrote:
Hi all,
Does anybody know if we are/aren't allowed to use disposable barbecues along the riverbank of the Ouse? More specifically the footpath from Wiley's bridge leading away from Lewes?
Thank you in anticipation.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 10:19am Billy wrote:
I don't know the rules but out of respect to the countryside and the flora and fauna, I would expect you to take at least 6 house bricks to protect the ground, grass, insects etc from the heat. And take all your rubbish home with you.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 11:15am St wrote:
You can get away with a lot if you are fairly quiet and polite but if you draw a crowd people will complain. I have wild camped for over 30yrs and very rarely had any trouble but I always !eave it better than I find it.
If you go further away from the town centre you should be fine.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 11:51am Tobermory Womble wrote:
Please pick up your litter after you little summer parties along the river bank.
Also despite 6 new bins there is still far to much litter dropped around the new skate park. I am getting a bit long in the tooth to clear up after you all!
On 1 Jun 2017 at 12:23pm Annabel wrote:
Thank you for your replies. FYI I am not a litterbug and I will not be having a rave, just enjoying the weather!
On 1 Jun 2017 at 2:46pm Modesty Blaze wrote:
I witnessed a completely unneccessary and costly incident on the Ashdown Forest a couple of years ago when a chap decided that rather than take it home, he would throw his portable barby into the bushes. He set fire to thirty five acres of beautiful wildlife habitat in the peak of bird nesting season in seconds. He also managed to set fire to himself and three cars in the car park where he was holding the family picnic. It took the fire brigade six days to finally put the fire out. Unlike him, please use your common sense.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 3:15pm GirlAboutTahn wrote:
Disposable BBQ's are a nightmare for the countryside and should you take it away a dog or children might not realise it's been there and burn paws/feet on the hot ground. What would be much better (and cooks so much better anyway) is buying a small bucket BBQ - they are about 6 quid and you can also buy bags of coal designed to just chuck in them and light. They also have feet so sit off the ground. And you are not contributing to our throw away nation.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 3:31pm Annabel wrote:
@GirlAboutTahn perfect! I've never heard of them before but I just looked them up and I'll definitely be getting one. Thank you for letting me know.
On 1 Jun 2017 at 10:12pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Saw someone with one of these at the weekend

It looked really easy to carry and set up.

Check it out here »
On 2 Jun 2017 at 9:59am huw wrote:
I've got one of these & it's perfect.
A bit heavier than a disposable but lasts longer & cooks more.
When you're done you just fold it up, put it in the bag & take it home. You don't even have to wait for it to cool down.

Check it out here »

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