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On 12 Jul 2015 at 3:25pm draven wrote:
To the person who left a note on my friend's car at Aldi regarding her dog - we were standing right by the car and had been for approx 2 mins. The dog in question was fine and we could see him at all times. My friend is the most responsible dog owner I know. It was not hot and we were out of the car literally 2 mins. If you thought the dog was distressed why not have the guts to approach us and ask. Says a lot more about you than it does us.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 3:36pm townie wrote:
Why didn't you say something to the note writer at the time rather than post on here.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 4:13pm Old Bloke wrote:
Where were you when she left the note?
Just curious as you say you were standing by the car
Perhaps you could have said something then like hallloooooo we are here we haven't left the dog in a stinking hot car
On 12 Jul 2015 at 5:24pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
You're lucky they only left a note.
When I saw a dog left in Tesco car park on a baking hot day, I went to customer services and had an announcement put out for the owners. I waited until the owners came out, which thankfully was only about 5 minutes.
If it had been 10 minutes or more, my next call would have been to the police. And if they'd taken more than 10 minutes, my next act would probably have been to smash a window and get the dog out.
If you were all standing so close to the car, why didn't you just leave a door or two open?
On 12 Jul 2015 at 7:20pm Confused wrote:
Draven - if you were standing by the car surely you would have seen the note writer and you could have sorted it out there and then?! Presumably the person only had the dog's best interests at heart. It is distressing to see dogs left in cars - hot or not - and, whilst posting, very distressing to seem them tied up outside shops - especially Tesco where there always seems to be some poor, frightened dog shaking or crying for their owner. Why don't dog owners leave them behind when they go shopping and walk them properly at another time?
On 12 Jul 2015 at 8:12pm draven wrote:
You are absolutely right, should have known better than post on this forum.
We turned our backs, while my friend was helping me get my shopping out of my trolley, for what must have been all of five seconds, when we turned back to the car, the note was there. The windows were wide open, even though it was slightly raining. I would have been more than happy to explain the situation if I had seen the person leaving a note, but obviously they waited until we turned our backs.
If it was hot and the dog was in the car with no one around, I would be the first to act, probably much like AC-T and I have absolutely no problem with intervening in that manner. What I object to is people waiting until we turned around, putting a note on the car and not even trying to find out what the situation was. But as always thank you all for 'kind' responses.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 8:14pm Old Bloke wrote:
Five seconds?
What a load of boll**ks
On 12 Jul 2015 at 8:23pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
My dog doesn't mind being left outside shops, she just sits and looks slightly mournful, so lots of people make a fuss of her. It's all an act.
I only leave her for a max of 5 minutes in town though, I'm too anxious about someone stealing her. There's little chance of that happening locally, she's very distinctive and well known locally. When Mr C-T first moved in with me, he was accosted while walking her by someone who asked him why he had her with him, and he had to explain who he was!
On 12 Jul 2015 at 8:31pm Confused wrote:
With all due respect Annette C-T, have you actually asked your dog if she minds being left outside shops. It only takes seconds for a dog to be stolen - You may only be 5 minutes but that is time enough. I just do wonder what those poor dogs think when tied up outside shops - but, I guess we will never really know!
On 12 Jul 2015 at 8:59pm Fred wrote:
Cannot believe so much strong views about a dog, that was not at risk. Why not show concern for the many down-trodden who live in Lewes. Beggars belief how shallow so many people are.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 9:09pm Old Bloke wrote:
Exactly who are the down trodden in Lewes Fred?
Or did you make that up because you don't like dogs
On 12 Jul 2015 at 9:57pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Your concern is appreciated, Confused, but my dog is a very confident little beast who is excellent at letting her feelings known!
She'd make me very well aware if she minded being left outside the paper shop for the few minutes it takes to pop in and buy a paper.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 9:59pm Barker wrote:
What I object to is people waiting until we turned around, putting a note on the car and not even trying to find out what the situation was.

You're just making this all up aren't you draven? It's so obvious that you've dug yourself into a hole and are digging and digging.
On 12 Jul 2015 at 10:13pm Gary wrote:
I would get a cat, leave this forum and then watch your stresses drain away. All the best, Gary
On 12 Jul 2015 at 10:30pm Corbett wrote:
Have to agree Barker = we must all be aware of the secret scribbler @ large in Lewes
On 12 Jul 2015 at 11:23pm Irrelevant Ben wrote:
On a school trip to Hadrians wall, i fell and broke my ankle. Im not quite sure of the year, 76 i think.:-)
On 13 Jul 2015 at 5:46am Craven draven wrote:
Says it all.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 8:57am Tipex wrote:
Er it is possible to leave a dog in a car as long as it's not hot. Worst case scenario is the dog gets bored.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 7:50pm Pearliegirliestar wrote:
That's a long way to go for a school trip Irrelevent Ben.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 7:53pm Taiwan Terry wrote:
It is indeed, but don't eat it unless it is properly cooked. Reheating is not recommended either.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 8:00pm Taiwan Terry wrote:
Sorry for, wrong thread. I meant Ice cream. What a slip up.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 6:27am Irreverent John . wrote:
Stuff you all.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 7:57pm Belladonna wrote:
Irrelevant Ben - do you have a brother called Strve ?

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