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Disappearing UKIP

On 22 Jan 2015 at 10:53am UKIP triangle wrote:
I am wondering where UKIP's Cllr Donna Edmunds has gone? Do any of our UKIP regulars know? Her twitter account has disappeared, her Facebook page has not posted since 5th Jan, and her website has vanished? Has she given up being a UKIP Councillor too?
On 22 Jan 2015 at 11:45am Sigh wrote:
Why are you obsessed with her?
Are you planning to stalk her ?
Get a life, muppet
On 22 Jan 2015 at 11:46am Old Bloke wrote:
What a boring obsessive UKIP triangle is
On 22 Jan 2015 at 11:57am Fast and bulbous wrote:
Why've you asked this three times?

Conglomerating the replies to your other posts:

She's alive and well, living in Barcombe, not doing squit as Barcombe's LDC councilor and writing silly articles for US right wing online publication Breitbart.
On 22 Jan 2015 at 1:15pm Local Resident wrote:
Ha ha. I se the UKIP supporters don't like being asked about this. Getting a job (paid?) does not stop anyone else from tweeting, having a website, and posting on FB. I don't think it is unreasonable to wonder where a District Councillor with a poor record of dong anything, has gone. UKIP are usually extremely keen on being as vocal as possible, and UKIP's high profile local MEP candidate is no exception. Very mysterious. Cllr Edmunds , as we know, reads this page, so maybe she could explain? I think it could be right that she is being censored by UKIP , which would be hilarious , given that having the right to say what you like, however un-PC it is, is what UKIP are all about. It is far right groups who try and silence people they don't like. Maybe Cllr Edmunds is giving up?
On 22 Jan 2015 at 1:35pm Old Bloke wrote:
Don't like being asked?
Do me a favour - does anyone actually care
What a triumphalist gossip you sound.
Another one that needs to get a life. Try knitting ready for sitting by the guillotine it's the sort of day job that would suit you

On 22 Jan 2015 at 2:25pm Local Resident wrote:
It is hilarious that 'Old Bloke' and other UKIP-ers , have such a problem when someone simply enquires what has happened to the public face of an actual elected UKIP rising star. Are we supposed to not be interested, after you keep telling us how brilliant UKIP is, and how they aren't like all the other useless distant political types? What do you expect anyone to do Old Bloke? Not care that a UKIP website has vanished (again!), that a high profile UKIP twitter account has vanished, and that a UKIP website page silenced. Just when an election s coming up, and all the other politicians of every hue are doing the opposite. Maybe Cllr Edmunds is just having a spring clean, and gone on holiday for a few weeks. Maybe you could tell us?
On 22 Jan 2015 at 2:29pm mikey wrote:
UKIP seem to get a lot of flak but they echo a lot of what most of us think. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
On 22 Jan 2015 at 3:12pm Twittery wrote:
It's beginning to look like Cllr Edmunds has thrown UKIP out with the bathwater. Or vice-versa.
On 22 Jan 2015 at 3:38pm Pollster wrote:
Mikey, where's you data to support your "what most of us think" assertion? Or is it a pub poll of you and few like-minded playmates?
On 22 Jan 2015 at 8:06pm The Truth wrote:
That was funny.

There is no doubt that the inconsequential Donna Edmunds was told to keep quiet by Farage when she stuck her foot in it yet again and loose-lipped about repealing anti-discrimination legislation. She admitted as much on her Facebook page (see 'above my pay grade' comment).

So the juvenile Ayne Rand inspired and self-professed libertarian has shut up at the request of her leader. No liberty for you huh Donna? Lovely.

Add that to her non-libertarian stance on gay marriage (her superstitious Christian beliefs don't allow her to condone it) and it's east to see she's a prize hypocrite.

She can't even manage being a councillor for a small village. Thank god her gravy-train bid to be an MEP failed. She's a silly little girl with an inflated opinion of herself, her mother's ne'er-do-wrong little princess.
On 22 Jan 2015 at 11:10pm A person wrote:
I think you're right, The Truth. However don't speak too soon about the MEP gravy train: she will fill Farago's shoes if he wins the South Thanet election. I do think that might represent the beginning of the end for UKIP*, mind you, since they've clearly decided she's even loonier than the average Kipper.

(*Unless that is, unless they haven't already auto-combusted, which is, I think, a real possibility)
On 22 Jan 2015 at 11:43pm Donna U Kipbabski. wrote:
I hate foreigners and love my self.
On 23 Jan 2015 at 1:07pm Question time wrote:
Since no one from UKIP has explained what is going on, is Cllr Edmunds still in UKIP? Is she standing again as a UKIP candidate for Lewes District?
On 23 Jan 2015 at 2:41pm Dozy doh wrote:
You'll have to ask her. No one in UKrap is going to answer you
On 23 Jan 2015 at 4:52pm Mertzy dohts wrote:
and little lamseydivey
On 23 Jan 2015 at 5:23pm Jodie pt wrote:
@Sport I have full qualifications in pt and have just set up my own business. Give me a call or text on 07449459491 to discuss times/prices.
Look forward to hearing from you
On 23 Jan 2015 at 7:48pm mavis wrote:
she may have PT experience, but not many brain cells !
On 23 Jan 2015 at 9:37pm bogman wrote:
Ah the Lewes Forum, the toilet wall of the internet age...
On 23 Jan 2015 at 10:42pm Armitage Shanks wrote:
a well informed toilet wall, with a few spammers) that seems to have hit on another UKIP embarrassment. I notice that Lewes UKIP page is also hibernating from UKIP central. I wonder if UKIP plan running a Government, or even a piss up in a brewery like this?
On 24 Jan 2015 at 8:10am Roca Billy wrote:
Well said Armitage, but apis taker is an essential part of politics.Bee seeing you
On 25 Jan 2015 at 5:40am Andrew James wrote:
UKIP are suddenly redundant this morning anyway. If these guys want us in the EU, nobody, least of all corporate stooge Farage, is going to change that

Check it out here »
On 25 Jan 2015 at 10:28am Silverman Bags wrote:
It would be interesting to know what my local UKIP Cllr thought about this challenge to her key policy. And what she thinks about todays defection, and claims from a high profile UKP MEP that UKIP is racist, has no policies and is simply an ego trip for Nigel Farage, which coincidentally is what many of us thought already.
On 3 Feb 2015 at 12:38pm rex rochester wrote:
probaly said something to upset fascade farage or is so right wing that UKIP just doesn't do 'it' for her anymore.. any reasonably educated and politically observant person would see that UKIP are a stooge party to cause more division in society, the working classes have been continually de- educated and de-politicised for some time, to the point where a ridiculous and pompous man whom has access to finances that keep his vanity project going are taken in and believe in the sound bites he spouts... I say sound bites as if one looks there are no real policies or core beliefs of the party (and i say party in its most liberal sense/use of the word as UKIP is more like a chimps get together!).. they will soon vanish from the UK political spectrum and be replaced by another neo fascist gang, who's sole job is to continue the splitting or dividision of society.. as a people (nation) we should reject all that UKIP offer to be, or represent and engage ourselves with the processes of parliament/politics and seize control of the state and run the country for the peoples benefit and not a bunch of millionaires who's only interest is themselves and their cronies... a vote for UKIP is just a vote for idiocy!

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