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Digger Fire in Barcombe.

On 22 Sep 2011 at 12:21pm extra wrote:
Barcombe Parish Council are building cycle jumps for young people in a field off the Recreation Ground. Late on Wednesday night the self employed sub contractors digger was set on fire and destroyed. The implications are obvious for all - the project has stalled, the kids are unhappy, the contractor has temporarily lost his job and we have an arsonist in our midst. Any information would be appreciated: 0845 60 70 999 and ask for Lewes Neighbourhood Policing Team, or anonymously to Crimestoppers. Thanks. Barcombe resident.
On 22 Sep 2011 at 3:55pm barcombe bloke wrote:
Might it be worth asking the small group of teenagers that hang out at the bus shelter of an evening drinking beer (see cans strewn around the area) if they saw anything? Many people in Barcombe know who they are.
On 22 Sep 2011 at 4:50pm extra wrote:
Thanks, will pass this on to the PCSO.
On 23 Sep 2011 at 7:34am kevsy wrote:
did they move onto the railway tunnel last night?
On 23 Sep 2011 at 10:19am getorfmoiland wrote:
That bus shelter is a bizarre idea as well as an ugly eye sore. Does it have any purpose other than acting as a meeting point for the two or three Barcombe malcontent teenagers so that they can drink beer and smoke dope out of view of the village?

The combination of the ramps attracting impressionable 9-14 year olds and the bus-shelter attracting the older teenage malcontents is not ideal, and could lead to some parents keeping their children away from the ramps during the evenings (which would be a real shame as they look truly great).
On 23 Sep 2011 at 6:09pm bastian wrote:
no one should be scared of using facillities because of a group of youths,if the ramps are used by large numbers of kids with adults, the teenagers will move off,or be outnumbered enough to find somewhere else to hang out,it's what youth does because they haven't grown up yet.The power of youth is extraordinairy isn't it.
On 23 Sep 2011 at 7:05pm Getorfmoiland wrote:
Sorry. didn't make the point vlearly enough. Many of the kids who use the ramp are of the age where their patents are just let them out by themselves. 9 upwards. The ramps in the early summer evenings are great places for the to congregate safely and mess around with their bikes. Infortunately right next to the ramps is the bus shelter. This attracts the beer swilling, litter leaving malcontent teenagers. Not generally the sort of people patents just loosening the apron strings want their young and impressionable kids to be in contact with when they are not there.
On 5 Oct 2011 at 1:35am The Greek wrote:
Being a recent "youth" who has left the village recently to go to uni (sob) I know nothing of these congregations at the bus shelter (which is used for buses in the rain funnily enough).
Most of the kids that do hang around are 14-16 and blaze down the rec causing no problems to anyone else.
As for arson, totally unacceptable and I can't believe it would be any one in my peer group from the village, more likely someone from outside like when the school got burnt down. The kids do have respect for their village.
Also reduce the drinking age to 16 and have them supervised in the pub, I know that's where I spend most of my time now when I'm back home!
On 5 Oct 2011 at 1:37am The Greek wrote:
And since when is the bus shelter by the bike ramps? I'm assuming you mean the youth shelter?
And it's brilliant they are now being installed as there has been lots of murmuring about it for years!
Finally there are probably only about 10 "youths" who come out in the whole damn village. Please don't tar us all with the same brush, it only alienates us further.

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