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Desinewed "meat"

On 13 Feb 2013 at 1:54pm Fairmeadow wrote:
Fascinating that this FSA senior apparatchik thinks it was a shame Britain went along with the EU banning "Desinewed meat", the successor to "Mechanically recovered meat", being described as meat on the ingredients list. Personally I would not want to eat either product. and if any food company or restaurant is serving "Desinewed meat" I'd want the powers that be to insist on them labelling it as such. No health issues necessarily, but just not what I personally want to eat.
I guess there's a moral. If you want to eat actual meat, never buy any processed product that has been anywhere near a factory or a supermarket or a restaurant. I'm pretty sure there would be some interesting results if you started DNA testing the cod in products marked cod, too.

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On 13 Feb 2013 at 6:04pm Feline wrote:
Easy to solve all these food problems - become a vegetarian!
On 13 Feb 2013 at 6:43pm Billionaire wrote:
We're currently lobbying for a more relaxed approach to the Trades Descriptions Act as I write, if its not illegal to mis-label a product, the public can't really complain and if the public don't complain, its not really a problem. Solved.
On 13 Feb 2013 at 9:13pm Sussex Jim wrote:
There is already an industry that falls foul of the trades description act, by promising products that they do not supply despite having been paid for them.They are called politicians.
On 13 Feb 2013 at 9:37pm Expat two wrote:
True, but if you're thick enough enough to trust a politician or councillor you probably deserve to be scammed. Nonetheless I would have loved to see a class action brought against Blair by all those people that voted him in on the strength of his promise to not introduce uni fees, those people who, within a fortnight of his re-election, had to start saving up for their kid's uni fees.
On 14 Feb 2013 at 3:27am Fairmeadow wrote:
Hmm - I seem to remember that Mr Clegg making a promise or two about student fees, too.
And then apologising about as convincingly as the husband who promises he'll never hit you again, while carrying right on doing it.
On 14 Feb 2013 at 9:25am jrsussex wrote:
Fairweather and others have got it right. By talking of a horse-meat scandal the powers that be are, in my opinion, mis-leading us insomuch as the problem is in the labeling of products. If the producers of beef are lying about the fact that there is horse-meat being substituted in their products what other lies are there in the labeling of all food products. We have to be advised in order that we can then make an informed choice as to what we choose to eat.
On 14 Feb 2013 at 3:39pm Merlin Milner wrote:
Indeed Feline. Go one further and go vegan. Then no calves need to be slaughtered so we can 'enjoy' milk.
On 14 Feb 2013 at 4:38pm Feline wrote:
I would love to go vegan but when we tried it my other half had a catastrophic loss of weight and was very unwell.

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