On 10 Jul 2017 at 12:54pm Screen Watcher wrote:
A chance meeting between two Lewes residents who share a passion for cinema resulted in the purchase of a once redundant warehouse and the creation of a multi-million pound award-winning independent community cinema.
The brainchild of Carmen Slijpen and Robert Senior, Depot, Lewes, has been recognised by The Sussex Heritage Trust in its 2017 awards as ‘a community amenity performing functions far beyond the cinematic experience .. Read more ..
Check it out here »
On 10 Jul 2017 at 2:43pm Another B and B lady wrote:
Fantastic Depot and fantastic achievement. If you employ really good architects and have a client with vision and money, you can achieve a fantastic result which is rightly being recognised both for its architecture, craftsmanship and usage. It's a joy and we are so lucky to have it in Lewes. Huge congratulations Robert Senior, Carmen Slipjen and all involved.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 6:03pm Penelope Pitstop wrote:
I love The Depot. Been there five times already. Apart from the bar situation, everything about it is brilliant and it's so nice being able to see old and new films without having to travel several miles. Thanks to all involved.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 6:23pm Barry Norman wrote:
I wish they would dedicate one screen to the latest blockbuster type films, as opposed to all the Arty Farty stuff. I have been once and found the cinema itself very nice, but that was three weeks ago, and they haven't shown a film that interests me since.
On 10 Jul 2017 at 6:34pm Blimey seen that wrote:
Nice place to go for a bit of grub a nice cool drink and a movie but something new ,lastest out would be good ,, don't just cater for the lewes arty type etc etc etc ,, us normal people don't wannna watch moody lesbian stuff
,Floyd the dog ,lol x
On 10 Jul 2017 at 7:02pm Watcher wrote:
They show moody lesbian stuff? I'm on my way....
On 10 Jul 2017 at 8:14pm Blimey seen that wrote:
Watcher ,fancy meeting up ? I love it aswell ,didn't mean any disrespect to moody lesbians ,, or any body x ,having a laugh ,banter
Floyd the dog x
On 11 Jul 2017 at 11:48am Pedro wrote:
I suspect it costs a lot more to put on the modern braindead stuff like "Transformers 18 : REvolutions" or whatever cack that passes these days as modern cinema entertainment. But there are loads of other places in the area that caters for modern cinema, so its nice that The Depot offers some variety.
On 11 Jul 2017 at 12:54pm Clifford wrote:
I still haven't been, mainly because I'm afraid it will be full of the same people who used to be in Bill's before the place went downmarket.
On 11 Jul 2017 at 1:16pm Penelope Pitstop wrote:
@Barry Norman - but they do put on commercial blockbusters. I've seen the new Alien film there and the superb 'Get Out'. There might be a week or two's delay after the release date, but they're pretty quick. I know that they want to cater for all tastes and not become an 'art house' cinema.
On 12 Jul 2017 at 7:01pm Another one wrote:
Clifford it IS full of those very same types - that's who they built it for. As predicted by several on here it appears that admissions are catastrophically low outside of the weekend peak-times.