On 12 Aug 2009 at 8:48pm Blatantly Offensive wrote:
Not local I know but went to the Castle Inn at Chiddingstone (10 miles from Tunbridge Wells) for dinner the other day. Food was fantastic, Harveys was FOUR POUND TWENTY FIVE a pint. Even spam sam and the rest of the dfl's may find that a bit steep. However, these prices did enforce the place being scum free. They were all in the elephant's ars.sehole watching 'football' no doubt.
On 12 Aug 2009 at 9:39pm Squidward wrote:
My partner and I went for lunch at The Castle Inn, Chiddingstone last summer, he was on a recky as the lease was and still is on the market, and he is in the pub game. The pub makes no money despite the huge price of the Harveys - they probably only sell a firkin a week. Food was lovely, athough the pub was filthy and full or flies and wasps! Needless to say he decided to take a swerve on buying the lease! By the way Blatantly Offensive what is a 'dfl'?
On 12 Aug 2009 at 9:53pm Blatantly Offensive wrote:
The weather was glorious so we sat outside so can't comment on the general state of the place or wasp situation. However, it was packed with diners so I don't see how it doesn't make money. The wet sales must be low due not only to price but it's remote location. Forgot to mention, food was expensive too, though worth it (once in a while anyway).
On 12 Aug 2009 at 9:54pm Blatantly Offensive wrote:
The weather was glorious so we sat outside so can't comment on the general state of the place or wasp situation. However, it was packed with diners so I don't see how it doesn't make money. The wet sales must be low due not only to price but it's remote location. Forgot to mention, food was expensive too, though worth it (once in a while anyway).
On 12 Aug 2009 at 10:16pm Squidward wrote:
It is in a beautiful spot and I do agree with you the food was lovely but it certainly doesn't make any money, I've seen the figures- it is quite seasonal though. Still intrigued to learn what a 'dfl' is?
On 12 Aug 2009 at 10:59pm SG wrote:
DFL means 'Down From London'
On 12 Aug 2009 at 11:54pm Wordsworth wrote:
How calmy you attract
Your colour and your bouquet
Arresting - thats a fact
I dream of you on Summers days
And when Autumn colours glow
There never is a single call
That makes me yearn your flow
So Dearest pint of Harveys
I hope you always shine
I fear I must be closing now
Please be forever Mine
On 13 Aug 2009 at 12:50am tobe ornottobe wrote:
Why dont you go to Wetherspoons and get a pint of John Smiths or a pint of Cyder ow arr it annt dear there and you will have enough for you bus fare home try it you might even see a wasp
On 13 Aug 2009 at 8:18am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Some friends of mine used to live at Chiddingstone Hoath and we used to go to the Castle a lot. It was a fab pub back then, but that was in the 70s and 80s when more people did their drinking in pubs.
I last went there in the early 90s. and it was still nice, but had become more of a food pub. I think it's very sad that so many pubs now have to rely on diners rather than drinkers for a living.
£4.25 is outrageous though!
On 13 Aug 2009 at 11:37am Ed Can Do wrote:
If it's a leasehold and all the money is coming from food rather than drinks, the brewery will probably have set the rent hilariously high to cover what they're not making on beer sales. Making a lot of money from a leased pub is always difficult, no matter how busy it looks.
Still, £4.25 for Harveys is a joke. I think it was about 1.30 the last time I drank a full pint of that stuff.
On 13 Aug 2009 at 3:49pm Sam Spam wrote:
Hey!....I'm DFL - drunk from Lewes.....cheeky git!....
On 13 Aug 2009 at 10:07pm Squidward wrote:
Thank you SG, but now confused as just logged on and seen Sam Spam's interpretation aswell!
'tobe ornottobe' you are a knob.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 8:13am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I thought Tobe's post was funny!
And don't take any notice of Sam, he's p!ssed!
On 14 Aug 2009 at 9:40am huw wrote:
Glad to see Blatantly still harping on about the Eephant and Castle.
I wonder what we did to make him so anti-elly.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 9:47am Spongebob wrote:
i wonder if Mr Blatantly Offensive has the bollox to go into the Elly and speak to Huw and Dec about his problem.
Big brave keyboard warrior eh Mr B.O. ?
On 14 Aug 2009 at 12:36pm Sam Spam wrote:
the Ellie is a fine pub, big TVs for sport and lots of things going on at other times....each pub in Lewes has a different flavour so each to his own.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 3:12pm cliff edge wrote:
I love the Ellies. Really looking forward to watching some football tomorrow (have you got ESPN Huw?) and not paying £4 for a pint.... 3 is too much in my opinion.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 4:04pm Huw wrote:
Yes cliff edge, we have espn.
See you soon.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 7:05pm SHS wrote:
You could make your own. I tried yesterday in a screw-top jam jar (don't ask!) but the brew exploded this morning and drenched the ceiling and walls in red liquid.
On 14 Aug 2009 at 11:00pm tobe ornottobe wrote:
SQUIDWARD it takes one to know one Annette I thankyou
Sam have you got a hangover take some bicarb it might make you windy but I expect you live along so it will not matter will it DFH work that out .