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Dead Cat Found

On 7 Dec 2020 at 11:05pm Mike Best wrote:
This is not related to the below post about 'kitten wanted' (though it does seem ironic).
I am very sad to say I found a dead cat whilst out tonight.
Sorry to tell you this - but I found a dead black and white cat, by the steps on Offham road inbetween Landport and the path to the School. This was at about 10.15pm tonight (monday evening)
If you think this is yours please let me know. I didnt know what to do with it, so I have put it in a box and put in the car where it is cold. I rang the out of hours vets in Lewes but there is a charge to talk to them and as I say, it is definitely dead sadly.
I will take it to a vet tomorrow morning.

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