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David Cameron and Company.

On 27 Jun 2014 at 10:40pm Bad News for the Blues. wrote:
Patrick Rock,Andy Coulson,the Hungarian government.You can always tell a man's character by the company he keeps.
On 27 Jun 2014 at 10:53pm Boris wrote:
After today, watch his poll rating go up next week.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 12:05am Historian wrote:
Do you really think we will get a referendum ?? I don't. He might even be gone before then !!
Maybe Cameron should hone up his biting skills !!
On 28 Jun 2014 at 12:55am jackme off wrote:
He"s got my vote at last someone that stands up for us!
On 28 Jun 2014 at 5:37am Zebedee wrote:
Ha ha. The legacy of the Cameron government could well be no Scotland and no Europe, leaving squitty little post-empire England about as significant as a flea on a cats arse.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 8:12am Paul myplonka wrote:
I`m with you Jack
On 28 Jun 2014 at 8:39am Sussex Jim wrote:
Think positively, Zebedee. An independent England could be built up again. We could ban immigrants from the poorer EU countries, and stop benefits for those who can but don't work.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 10:41am Zebedee wrote:
Think positively? You mean turn my brain off and don my rose tinted spectacles?

Britain, the UK, England is on an almost-inevitable long-term downward cycle of decline. Once conquerer of the world, and now an insignificant rock on the edge of Europe watching helplessly as Asia rises and it's own importance diminishes even further. If you think that Britain/UK/England has any chance of breaking out of this cycle to rise again and conquer the world you are deluded. The fabric of UK society has not the strength. It is too fractured, and fragmented and its people isolated. There is no longer sufficient common identity, no cultural glue or cultural cohesion. We are now a nation with virtually no chance of pulling together ever again. England is riven with corrosive divisions; class, cultural and increasingly wealth, the few 'haves' and the many 'have-nots' with the divide increasing every day. Your simple-minded solution to cure the UKs ills and make it great again, 'ban immigrants rom poorer EU countries and stop benefit scroungers' only further illustrates the hopelessness of the situation. Do you *really* think that doing this is likely to make the UK great again?

At best all we can hope to do is manage the inevitable decline gracefully and try to develop a happy, harmonious and fair society that retains the things of *real* value and worth.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 2:27pm Historian wrote:
Really Zebedee it's time for your bed !! Why on earth do you think every one wants to come here then ? Willing to travel through half a dozen countries, threaten hunger strikes, set themselves on fire, sit on lorry axles, airplane holds etc. just to be here ? Some I imagine even arrive first class too ! It's the leaders that aren't inspiring a nation any longer. Everything's dumbed down. If we are not careful we will make the Americans look bright !
On 28 Jun 2014 at 4:12pm Zebedee wrote:
Simply, everyone does not want to come here! And even if 'everyone' wanted to come here it wouldn't mean that the UK was not in long-term decline.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 6:43pm trooper wrote:
"Historian" You use the word LEADERS we do not have any now, or if what we see around us any in the future. Virtually none of them (from any party) have worked for their living,their whole lives have been in some sort of political function.Leaders are supposed to inspire and energise those they lead or aspire to lead, this lot we have now could not lead a horse to water even if they were standing in it. We do not have leaders any more only Do gooders, bleeding hearts and PC wallhas.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 7:58pm bastian wrote:
Can I point out that without European backing, our employment laws will be under attck, leaving us with no protection against unscrupulous employers, for whom the long and difficult fight for sick pay, 8 hour days and a right to a safe working life don't mean anything. I do not wish to be brought kicking and screaming back into Victorian, Dickensian working conditions so a boss in a suit can amke a profit out of my hard work. Please remember this if it all goes to a vote, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 10:37pm Oswald wrote:
Basically bastian what you want is to do the bare minimum and live a comfortable life. You clearly have no work ethic and resent the money that those that do have.
On 28 Jun 2014 at 11:03pm Historian wrote:
You are so right trooper, I used the word "leaders",as they believe they are ! I agree they ain't worth a light between any of them, and even looking on the benches behind them we are not inspired.
And for that I apologise !
On 29 Jun 2014 at 11:45am trooper wrote:
"Historian" Thank you for your response, it is very depressing to think that whatever we the voters are presented with is only going to be much of the same.However I am one of lifes optimists and I subscribe to the theory that "Come the Hour comes the man/woman" or is that too much to hope for?? Oh well onward and upward. Have good day.
On 29 Jun 2014 at 11:57am the Old Mayor wrote:
The trouble is that it will have to get worse before it gets better and that hour comes !!!
On 29 Jun 2014 at 3:46pm bastian wrote:
Quite so old mayor, but it seems to me that many people are all too happy to let it get worse-and then won't stand up when things start to go wrong. I don't know about you but I wasn't put on this earth to be just an ant in a colony-no one is, I work very hard at many things, most of them are volunteering, for which I need the time, I also work for money and friendship, community. to those who desire money, that doesn't make sense of course- I do not envy them, but I would hope that in the case of Britain leaving the EU, that those people who have a hard enough life now, are not put under breaking pressure because of employment law changing to the benefit of their pomus government and their friends at the top. This seems to be how the world is beginning to work and it is a dim place to live if all people do is work, pay their bills and die.
On 29 Jun 2014 at 4:04pm trooper wrote:
"BASTIAN" I have read your posting a number of times and I do consider myself to be pretty intelligent, and whilst I really do recognise the feeling in you post, I have to say that I am having difficulty understanding what it is you are saying. I really would be very pleased if you could be more specific.It is refreshing to have a good debate on these pages.I look forward to your next post.
On 29 Jun 2014 at 7:46pm master bastia wrote:
I can`t believe all these socialist voices in what I always imagined was a true blue town . The "dim place" is what the greatest Tory who ever lived described as Victorian Values . Just rejoice and be thankful that the Great One still casts a long shadow .
On 29 Jun 2014 at 10:01pm Father Time wrote:
There was always "them that have and us, that have not" however with now 9 million people in the world, there are a lot more of "those that still have, but plenty more of us, that don't have". That's always going to be the way of it.
On 29 Jun 2014 at 10:18pm tempus fugit wrote:
you`re right , old man .
On 30 Jun 2014 at 8:09am Time and tide wrote:
Well I`ll not wait for you lot
On 30 Jun 2014 at 2:34pm bastian wrote:
Sorry trooper, I am sick of so called debate on here, it's usually just one person trying to point out what we are about to lose , then they are accused of all kinds of modern evil like scrounging or being lazy. The people who post that stuff don't care if they lose all this countries hard won social equality (that's SOCIAL equality, not financial), which begs the question, is everyone who posts on here able to completetly meet all of their financial needs comfortabley or are they just a bit dim and can't see the train until it's about to hit them.
Brtain is making deals with China to build on our soil, in China, they didn't ahve an industrial revolution to kick back against, if you want, they are going through it now-see Apple factory for example-their people are having breakdowns trying to produce ever greater quantities of fluff for us to look good holdoing in the street (I-phones). In Europe there are standards for working that mean we, the little manual workers, will never be taken advantahg of again-born out of our own history, fights and many actual wars.
Any one who thinks we are not working hard enough, or are in some way jealous of wealth are very misguided or a little dim. All I am asking for is that if there is a referendum for an In or Out of Europe, that voters think about what they may be about to lose, if they vote for Out.
Janker and the Lisbon treaty are anothe rmatter, with avst return of far right parties in Europe at the last election, maybe it's a good thing that Janker was appointed, not an elected member from those far right parties. If you need to look at your history books, go ahead-those who forget are doomed to repeat history.
On 30 Jun 2014 at 6:21pm Spoofer Trooper wrote:
Master bastion struggle to comprehend your tome .I suggest a precis ; This countr`ys F***ed

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