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Dark Omens - continued

On 15 Feb 2017 at 11:08am Pedro wrote:
@ thatch. You do realise that Farage has already backtracked and rolled back on many things he has said. So there is little point trying to cast any doubt or credibility issues with "my source" (of which it goes well beyond and deeper than that). You asked me to point out Farages lies, and I provided one link of many that you and the rest of the world can find on the internet. These have not been debunked, because Farage has effectively confirmed them.

But as you said, you're not a big fan of Farage or UKIP anyway, so not sure why you are defending him. I'm just wondering how many people he has mislead into voting Brexit through his distortions, even if you aren't one of them.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 12:39pm Dullard Exterminator wrote:
This thread is now closed.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 1:02pm Pedro wrote:
Perhaps if you weren't a forum troll, you might one day get to become a forum moderator so that you could genuinely close, lock and edit threads. Unfortunately, to most forum owners, you are the worst kind of spammer.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 1:20pm Paul Nuttall wrote:
I was killed at Hillsborough.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 1:25pm Dinoteam wrote:
Needs more dinosaurs.

View the picture »
On 15 Feb 2017 at 1:37pm Newms wrote:

Lewes is in the happy position of being a Liberal facing Conservative held seat . It is one of the few places where any sort of meaningful protest can be registered and we have an MP who is a hard line Brexit Bully who has been quite happy to blither in about the ”Will of the people” and allude darkly to immigrants causing housing problems( which they don`t)
She was also an early supporter of Andrea Leadsom and has been using he position on the Brexit committee to ensure that Remain voters are utterly ignored.
She claims she is free to ignore the way we voted on the basis she owes us the benefit of her wisdom. A good laugh at this comical conceit is about the one positive thing she has added to my life
I just hope that differences can be put aside in to protest right here and , hopefully provide some hope to the many people who feel they have no voice whatsoever at the moment
Thats what I will be asking people to do anyway and I daresay being ignored as usual

I understand people find politics boring I do myself quite a bit of the time , I can`t say I feel any need to pop into a thread about dog poo parking some local,development or whatever and tell everyone I`m not personally interested . So what ?
On 15 Feb 2017 at 2:19pm Nun wrote:
How do you dump a plonker like Maria?
On 15 Feb 2017 at 4:32pm Dullard Exterminator wrote:
@newms. because you say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .....
do you see how boring it is? not just a few lines either, paragraphs that no-one in there right mind would want to read..and because this is the cheapest type of forum set up where there are no ongoing threads, we end up with the same thread being created every few hours by you and your equally dull friends..
On 15 Feb 2017 at 6:14pm Pedro wrote:
What on earth do you contribute to the forum? Paul may be too verbose for your liking, but some people do read his posts.

Heres some advice though. There is this amazing feature on this forum, although not uniquely for it, where you can scroll down past posts you don't wish to read. I also believe webbo won't ban you if you choose to not read or close your eyes, or perhaps instead cast your glance over at the adverts on the side panels....to generate some revenue for the site. Its either that, or continue whinging and getting worked up about it, becoming utterly tedious in the process.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 7:07pm Doper wrote:
Pedro...pot, kettle
On 15 Feb 2017 at 7:35pm We'vehadourfun wrote:
Shut up pedro. Your embarrassing now. You really do bring it all on yourself. Stop being so dull and stop hijacking threads to force your insignificant agenda.
On 15 Feb 2017 at 10:08pm Busty bar maid wrote:
Poor pedro. First thread he's had brains to start and......he didn't. Just stick to killing them of with your little club of politicians.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 6:24am Newms wrote:
My suspicion is that the "Oh shut up will you" crew are actually right wing Brexit supporters who have nothing to say and so woiuld like everyone else to shut up as well. Might even be little familiars of Brexit Maria
On 16 Feb 2017 at 9:26am we'vehadourfun wrote:
@newms. Actually you couldn't be more wrong. I am pretty fed up with the state of country and wider world at moment. Right wing brexit supporters are a disaster for the UK. This doesnt give me the right to constantly bang on about it on a small town local forum, constantly dragging everyone into a dull monologue. There is a little sad group of you with nothing better to do. Get a blog on line and see just how uninterested people are.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 9:39am Pedro wrote:
@ "the moaners". I think its amusing how worked up about it you're getting, when clearly you are not under any obligation to read it, and can just scroll through, or select the threads that satisfy your trivial needs.

For the record, your whinging has absolutely no bearing on me, and it just tickles me to see so many grumpy old gits getting wound up over nothing. I'm sorry I am not respecting your authority and orders to leave this forum.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 10:28am Anti newms lot wrote:
I am neither old, grumpy or a git. Quite the opposite in fact. I like reading about local problems, events and history. I do not like wading through a page of political droning to find one interesting lewes thread.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 10:56am Oldms wrote:
Paul has been being dull, long-winded and offensive on the internet for years, it's not just us who have to suffer through it. Check out his comments on this Tory blog from 2007 where he is moaning about not being selected as the local Tory candidate for Islington and launches into a bitter tirade about how stupid the local voters are. The internet is littered with nonsense Paul has spouted over the years, Google has a wealth of it under "Paul Newman Islington".

Check it out here »
On 16 Feb 2017 at 11:31am Tom Pain wrote:
Oldms, is that really our own cherished Newms? Is he local? The mind boggles! I have this dreadful vision of millions of posts appearing on forums nationwide,nay worldwide by Newms by some clandestine technology ! The end of the world as we know it is nigh!
On 16 Feb 2017 at 12:02pm Pedro wrote:
So let me get this straight...you're frustrated and bored by Newman, so you go to the extent of googling him and reading more of his "long-winded, dull" posts elsewhere? Hmmmm. Seems easier to just ignore someone you're bored by....
On 16 Feb 2017 at 1:12pm Oldms wrote:
I never read Paul's posts, I just remembered from years back here that he used to actually have his own blog with no readers and took 30 seconds out of my life to Google his name (Putting in Islington takes out most of the references to the actor), saw this classic example of Newman bigotry and thought some people here who weren't around when "Newmania" first moved down here and started clogging up the forum with his drivel might be interested to know he's always been like this, except back then he was very much of the "Let them eat cake" Tory mentality. It would seem that constant rejection in his attempts over the years to become an actual politician have soured him rather to the nasty party, hence his current vitriolic dislike for Maria Cauliflower and apparent new found admiration for the LibDems (Who he was being pretty rude about ten years ago).

Anyone who has been posting here for a few years will know to just skip over Paul's posts, as many people are learning to do with yours. At least with Paul there is some entertainment to be had in spotting when he posts under other names (He puts spaces before punctuation marks and uses a grave accent instead of apostrophies, always has for some reason). You're just a stuck record with a predictability matched only by your banality.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 1:27pm Pedro wrote:
@ oldms - touche, although its a nice receiving random ad-hominem attacks from such a pleasant individual and barrel of laughs such as yourself.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 2:03pm Oldms wrote:
I don't think you know what ad hominem means. If I was trying to counter a point about a general subject by personally attacking you then yes, that would be ad hominem; If I'm pointing out that you personally are dull in a thread that is now mainly about certain people being dull, by attacking you for being dull then I reckon I'm making a pretty valid point.

p.s. Stop being dull.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 2:28pm Pedro wrote:
@ oldms - I think we were discussing a general subject (a range of them in fact, Newman and the state of this forum being examples), but if you prefer to call it just a random personal attack, then I can settle for that. My sarcastic remark about you being joyful and pleasant stands, and in fact strengthens (you must be such a proud forum troll). We're both ultimately hypocrites, as we're both being dull here, and we're both trading unimaginative insults.

On 16 Feb 2017 at 3:03pm Oldms wrote:
Ah but I'm just being dull in this thread, you do it in all of them.
On 16 Feb 2017 at 3:14pm Pedro wrote:
@ oldms, you sure you're not dull elsewhere? I find that very hard to believe! I can't seem to remember you at all aside from this thread. Are you one of the multi-username types, or are you just generally non-descript?
On 16 Feb 2017 at 3:25pm bobobobo wrote:
@Oldms etc. Please keep posting your long, repetitive complaints about other poeples long, repetitive opinions. It's entertaining how you post on here so much saying the same complaints about the same poeple. It's as if you're looking for acceptance of your little agenda by constantly saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over andover and over and over and over and over and over and over andover and over and over and over and over and over and over andover and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
On 16 Feb 2017 at 3:26pm bobobobobo wrote:
p.s. stop being dull
On 16 Feb 2017 at 9:32pm Lawtton wrote:
Doped up again pedro?
On 16 Feb 2017 at 10:38pm Pedro wrote:
@ Lawtton - I wasn't at the time, but I am now

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