Lewes Forum thread

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On 15 May 2009 at 2:28pm Graham Norton wrote:
The third biggest world event after bonfire night and christmas, THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2010 takes places this Saturday, 16th May on BBC1 at 8PM. Don't miss the nightingales of 25 countries in this years final including arch enemies France and Germany. Stock up on cocktail sausages, shot glasses (a shot for each point the UK gets) and cheese hedgehogs. Who's your favourite?
On 16 May 2009 at 8:22am Fruit Merchant wrote:
I do not like the UK entry, so I hope someone else wins

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There’s a certain charm about window cleaners—the way they seem to float between households, brightening views while carrying... more
I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.
Oscar Wilde