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Cycling on pavements

On 21 Nov 2017 at 4:36pm pedestrian wrote:
Adults in Lewes have taken to riding their bikes on the pavement. I believe it is illegal to do so, and could be dangerous to pedestrians.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 4:42pm Car driver wrote:
Yes it's illegal, dangerous and inconsiderate.
Block their path and ask them to dismount.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 5:12pm Brad Waggings wrote:
If it's illegal, why have our council put cycle path directions on the pavements through Malling?
On 21 Nov 2017 at 7:17pm Bike Urius wrote:
Ordinary people should be allowed to go about town on bikes on roads or pavements as long as they go carefully. The type that go out in the country wearing tight lycra, however, should only be allowed to cycle on water.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 8:59pm Astrid wrote:
I cycle on the pavements occasionally because some drivers are dangerous!! Some drivers are very inconsiderate and selfish not wishing to give us cyclistsome enough space. They beep there horns without caring.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 10:22pm Paveman wrote:
A bicycle, also called a cycle or bike, is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single-trackvehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A bicycle rider is called a cyclist, or bicyclist. I believe vehicles are to be driven on roads not on pavements.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 10:29pm Taff wrote:
Imagine riders on horses on the pavement. Acceptable?
On 21 Nov 2017 at 11:16pm Jonny wrote:
I was stopped on the way home from school in 1986 for riding on the pavement by a copper. He took my name and address and said he would come to speak to my parents. He turned up the same afternoon and spent half an hour explaining the dangers to me and my mum. Never done it since.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 6:38am History boy wrote:
What’s a “copper”, have read about them in the history books. Were know by some as guardians of the peace, not sure what that might have meant. History books say society had respect for them and there were seen walking and riding the streets. Does anyone in Lewes remember them and if you do do we need them again.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 9:20am The Greek wrote:
As a cyclist, I agree you should cycle on the road unless it is a "shared use" path then you can cycle on the pavement. Although, if there is a "shared use" or cycle path, cyclists are not obliged to use it. So drivers, please don't get angry if we are not using the cycle path, sometimes they are so badly designed, seemingly without ever consulting a cyclist, and not appropriate for the speeds cycled.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 9:29am Wrong wrote:
Greek. You are so wrong. Use the bloody cycle path you utter tool. Anyway it's not about you today. It's about cycling on pavement.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 10:07am Wiggo wrote:
Cycle path or psychopath?
On 22 Nov 2017 at 10:34am The Greek wrote:
@Wrong I assume you'll be the first to complain if someone cycled at 20mph on a "shared use" path with junctions, kerbs, chicanes etc. If you want to cycle fast the road is more appropriate.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 1:47pm Cycleman wrote:
Amongst the excuses picked for the regular anti cyclist rant that we come to expect and love on here, this is one of the weakest. I am struggling to think of the number of cyclists I have seen on the pavement and can only recall one in my entire long life that could be considered to be causing a danger to anyone else. To the many cyclist haters on here can I just say that I understand you have a need to have a go at them from time to time and I am much happier to see it on here rather than when you are behind the wheel of your car. How about once a month or so, one of you starts a 'I hate cyclists' thread and you can all get it out of your system.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 2:27pm Car driver wrote:
What part of it is hard to understand, don't cycle on the pavement you inconsiderate arse. Your path willl be blocked and you'll be given two options, dismount the bike or dismount the pavement if I see you. If cycling on the road is too dangerous get a car. Oh and to the woman that cycles up Neville road every morning with two miles of traffic queueing behind her, it's fine for you to use the pavement, but for the love of god GET OUT THE ROAD!
On 22 Nov 2017 at 3:12pm Country Life wrote:
@car driver, you don't want cyclists on the path apart from the woman cycling on Neville Road in the morning getting in your way? Not the most consistent argument I've ever seen?
On 22 Nov 2017 at 3:45pm The Greek wrote:
@Car Driver, nicely incoherent argument. Try riding a bike, you'll arrive at work much happier without all the unnecessary angst in your system
On 22 Nov 2017 at 5:07pm Worker wrote:
If I cycle to work I will have to struggle up some steep hills and turn up feeling all sweaty and bothered. Even were that to be acceptable to my colleages, I would have to leave home earlier and return later.
It might be pleasant on a fine summers day- but what about if it is raining, or freezing in winter? This is not 1917. It is 2017 and I can afford a car or bus fare.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 5:17pm Sir Sidney Ruff Diamond wrote:
Cyclists? We need some tact and diplomacy. We'll string half a dozen of them up for a start.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 5:39pm @ worker wrote:
If it was 1917 you'd be lucky to own a bike.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 6:28pm @greek wrote:
Use the bloody cycle path and if it's shared, share it you stupid git. How many times do we need to go over this. If there is a cycle lane cycle in it! Not bloody rocket science. Your as stubborn as pedro and that's an achievement
On 22 Nov 2017 at 10:17pm Lots wrote:
1.3 million killed each year by cars and counting, plus tens of millions injured. What's that you say? Stop cycling on pavements? I heartily agree. And I counter with stop driving and get a flippin bicycle you murdering, planet destroying goons.
On 23 Nov 2017 at 1:30pm Car Driver wrote:
How stupid are the people that bothered to reply to my intentionally contradicting post...
Was it not obvious that I was bored and posting it for fun?

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