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Cycling on Pavements

On 3 Dec 2007 at 2:35am SHS (bored) wrote:
I was going to raise the issue of parking (has it been discussed?) but thought I'd sound out opinion on COP. A woman told me she usually cycled on the pavement in Southover High Street because the heavy traffic in such a narrow (especially after allowing for parked cars) street created too much risk to life. I see in the local rag that a few have protested about COP in the Cliffe too. I used to agree Cycling On Pavements was wrong but since most so-called cycle lanes are on pavements, surely cyclists are encouraged to think that COP is acceptable and even condoned by the authorities (LDC/ESCC/TheQueen). Any bruised pedestrians or cyclists on the forum?
On 3 Dec 2007 at 9:05pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Don't start me off!
I own a bicycle and used to enjoy a short jaunt somewhere BUT, the new eco-friendly self righteous blooming cyclists really irritate me.........to the point where I can no longer stomach a cycle ride as I do not wish to be associated with these hypocritical & arrogant people.
Hypocritical? "We cycle therefore we are environmentally friendly" What tosh! If they were such eco warriors they would not feel the need to purchase the latest synthetic fibres for their stupid clothes or wear polysterene helmets. And why do they have to be kitted out with special plastic water bottles/rucksacks?
Arrogant? "As we are cyclists (aka "sperm of Satan"), we can cycle wherever we please".......one way streets....... pavements.......cycle in pairs on the C7.........yell abuse as people in cars when we don't get our way......etc, etc.
Needless to say, I don't like them!
On 3 Dec 2007 at 9:42pm MC wrote:
I avoid cycling on busy roads (believing them to be a risk to my continued exitence) so have ride on the pavements some times... mostly there aren't people on them... however when there are it is amusing to see them make like ninepins...... it's not as if it hurts as much as being hit by a car.
On 4 Dec 2007 at 9:02am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
I like cycling and think all bikes should ridden on the road.
However, I dislike the thought of broken limbs so sometimes use the pavement.
If those nice folk from County Hall want to encourage cycling then they should invest in the idea far more.
On 4 Dec 2007 at 12:05pm The Super K wrote:
If I ever see any of you youngons on the pavement on your bikes you'll get a broom handle through ya wheels. get on the road where you belong!
On 4 Dec 2007 at 12:18pm SHS wrote:
Investment? ESCC? You must be joking! Yet that is the only way more people (& their young children) will cycle. Lorries and buses should have severe restrictions on which roads they can use, then other roads could be narrowed so that dedicated and protected (by bollards) cycle lanes can be constructed between the existing pavement and the remaining road surface. This would have the added benefit of protecting pedestrians from traffic and pavement parking. Abolishing the parking scheme will ensure sufficient funding is available. Simple.
On 5 Dec 2007 at 5:23am MC wrote:
Cycle lanes? Like Brighton? C'mon... all they do is provide parking spaces for those who prefer parking with two wheels on the pavement. Mind you... Lewes does have NCP. Maybe they could redeem themselves.
On 5 Dec 2007 at 7:45am Double Yellow Line wrote:
Brighton has NCP as well (and they are far mor vindictive than the pussycats you have in Lewes) trouble is they don't have the power (if thats a good word to use) to enforce cycle lane restrictions. That stills lies with the police and we know how interested they are.
On 6 Dec 2007 at 8:13am Andrew Richardson wrote:
Most cycle lanes, except for on really busy roads like the A27, are IMO a waste of time and money, and arguably more dangerous for both cyclists and pedestrians alike. If you can't handle cycling on the road, you shouldn't be cycling at all.
On 6 Dec 2007 at 6:12pm SHS wrote:
Fully agree with part 1 Mr AR and for me alone I agree with part 2. But what about elderly folk, or folks with small children in tow? And why waste such vast sums making life even more dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians alike? (Although I heard it was EEC money, so the whole project was just to generate more tax income for hmrc). You hit the nail on the head - cyclists cycling illegally on pavements without a cycle lane is not really any more dangerous than both parties using a cycle 'lane' on a pavement.
On 7 Dec 2007 at 8:36am Andrew Richardson wrote:
In my experience you're more likely to see elderly folk riding on the road than the pavement. As for those with young kids in tow, I guess you'd need to make a decision on how old they'd need to be to be able to ride on the road safely - remember cycling proficiency etc.? If not, perhaps somewhere like the Seven Sisters country park or the Friston Forest (or some other low traffic/traffic free area) would be a better place to go cycling with young kids. Either way, the safety of the riders should not come at the expense of people walking on the pavement.
The money wasted by the government on ill-planned cycle paths is probably a mixture of wanting to be seen to "do something" about sustainable fluffy-bunny green policies and incompetence. Ever tried actually using any of the cycle paths on the approaches to Brighton town centre? About 10 times quicker to just ride on the road, and probably safer anyway. What's *really* annoying about it though is that on the one hand we're told that pavement cycling is dangerous and irresponsible and will attract a £30 fine if caught, but stick a bit of paint and a couple of blue signs on said pavement and it's not only not dangerous anymore, but actively encouraged.

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