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Cycle paths

On 22 Aug 2019 at 9:52am Earl of Lewess wrote:
Any idea why so many cyclists ignore the Lewes to Ringmer cycle path in favour of the road? Is it a case of poor signage, or is there some other reason?
On 22 Aug 2019 at 4:34pm Ferret wrote:
I think you are right in most cases. Coming up from Lewes, there is no sign on the left hand side of the road, so it would be easy to miss if you are concentrating on not getting killed by the traffic accelerating past.At the Ringmer end there's nothing much either. Just a small blue sign actually on the path, not on the road. Maybe it's time to contact ESCC about it.
On 23 Aug 2019 at 4:33pm ar10642 wrote:
I agree, it's poor signage. You'd have to already know that you need to turn right at Mill Road, up the big hill marked as a no-through road, by seeing the tiny sign here, with no indication as to where it goes.

Check it out here »
On 23 Aug 2019 at 4:36pm ar10642 wrote:
Go past that and turn right at Earwig Corner and you're already on the road, so you might as well stay there. Coming back you have to be fairly eagle-eyed and not miss this small entrance to the path, again if you miss it you might as well carry on.

Check it out here »
On 23 Aug 2019 at 5:08pm David Stanley wrote:
I always use it and appreciate it.
On 23 Aug 2019 at 6:43pm Nevillman wrote:
If you have been on a long ride on the lovely quiet roads past ringmer then the mile or less of the cycle path is neither here nor there. Going on your ride you also have to cross our join the traffic. You will also have pedestrians and dogs as well as wood debris. I understand why it goes up to mill road but that is a steep hill. These are the reasons why some cyclists do not show the immense gratitude many motorists feel they should be showing for this piece of cycle path by using it.
On 24 Aug 2019 at 11:59am Ferret wrote:
I can understand those with road bikes (you know, drop handlebars, no bell, bums in the air etc) prefer to stay on the road, and they are perfectly entitled to take that risk, but casual cyclists would undoubtedly prefer the cycle path. It is very easy to miss. I use it 3 or 4 times a week, there and back (up to 8 rides on it) and can honestly say pedestrians/dog walkers are not a problem, nor is plant debris. it's an absolute joy compared with the road!
Mill Road is a challenge, but you can use the road for Earwig Corner. It is after all meant to be 30mph! That bit is not particularly scary.
On 31 Aug 2019 at 9:24pm Chrisgilbert wrote:
It's a lovely path and one of the few that isn't surfaced in loose gravel which is terrifying on a road bike - eg falmer to woodingdean, ditchling beacon to hollingbury, egrets way

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