Lewes Forum thread

Go on, tell 'em what you think

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Cycle Queen

On 31 Aug 2011 at 8:54am Mounytains & Molehills wrote:
Tell me cycleman, what would you have done if the van had ACTUALLY TOUCHED YOU!!!!!!
You are without doubt the most whinging, self centered, attention seeking, individual currently posting here.
Steps back and awaits SQ overblown, tedious, long winded, sef important, inane reply.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 9:40am expat two wrote:
Now THATS a troll.
This poster is a regular; uses multiple (topic specific) names to hide identity, has poor typing skills, and is pointlessly inflammatory.
Trolls have self esteem issues.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 10:15pm Decent Citizen wrote:
Yes. I can recognize a certain something each time a post appears EXPAT TWO. .Been on here long enough to recognize these things! i feel confident that WEBBO is on to it! In the meantime,ignore,as I do the wind ups,the stirrers,the downright argumentative just looking for an argument. Good old debate is one thing,deliberately trying to bait people is another, for which I have no interest at all.This is, and always has been, a good forum that I hope others, like me, will not allow be overtaken by those wishing to bring it down to gutter level.
On 31 Aug 2011 at 11:08pm Yawn... wrote:
but not as poor typing skills as Decent Citizen?
On 1 Sep 2011 at 12:17am AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Maybe Yawn you could enlighten us all and point out Decent Citizens spelling mistakes, maybe DC didn't have a public/ grammar school education and should be hounded out of town!!!!!
On 1 Sep 2011 at 9:54am Peter Pan wrote:
Or perhaps like me he went to Mountfield Road School in the 1950's and left School unable to read or write, now thats what you call an education May be that's the reason I am reluctant to post on here ,to many spelling Police
On 4 Sep 2011 at 2:44pm girdle wrote:
So is the school is to blame for your (plural) typos? Be it type (public or grammar) or named (Mountfield) could you not have had a go at learning the difference between to, two and too or their, they're and there?

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The "Go on, tell 'em what you think" thread on the Lewes Forum is a space where community members share their opinions on various... more
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington

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