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Cui-failed tunnel

On 24 Jun 2009 at 9:11am Shoddy work observer wrote:
Why the hell is it taking so long for the tunnel to get finished. Is there just one part time oap working on it? The badly fixed white (already filthy) sheets unevenly bodged to the walls and its taken 6 months to get this far. Someone needs a rocket up their ass. Or is this overtime for some lucky workers?
On 24 Jun 2009 at 9:19am Geoff wrote:
Why are the panels buckled, bent, and damaged? Why are they even there at all? Is there a reason other than aesthetics? It would also be nice if ESCC Highways placed a 'road closed' sign at the Kingston roundabout, so that we don't have to drive all the way down the bypass until we find out that the tunnel is closed, anddrive all the way back again.
On 24 Jun 2009 at 11:47am Andrew Richardson wrote:
If you're coming from Brighton they do have diversion signs at Kingston roundabout advising the tunnel closure. Or at least they have done every evening I've driven down there.
On 24 Jun 2009 at 6:48pm Geoff wrote:
they forgot on Tuesday
On 24 Jun 2009 at 11:32pm Believer wrote:

I think it's going so slowly as they have been told not to go towards the light. Quite to my liking, buys St Nicholas Lane some time. Which is the next incompetent ESCC t****** catastrophe to happen.
On 27 Jun 2009 at 3:27pm Scott Mills wrote:
"Which is the next incompetent ESCC t****** catastrophe to happen" - some of the junctions in lewes make no sense to me - were they designed by women?
On 28 Jun 2009 at 7:29pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Some of them were designed a very long time ago, by that well known firm of traffic planners, Custom and Practice. A lot of the town centre roads follow pretty much the original medieval street plan.
It often seems to me that the town would function much better if the direction of traffic in all the one-way streets were reversed. Whenever I have to go anywhere, I have to go the long way round, and whenver I mention this, everyone else seems to feel the same.
On 29 Jun 2009 at 8:16pm Ring 0345 60 80 193 wrote:
So let's all get together and change things. It's a democracy after all! If enough people ring highways about this on 0345 60 80 193 then maybe they'll listen!
On 30 Jun 2009 at 11:37am Earth calling ESCC wrote:
Somone could start by asking Highways why West St is 20mph from one direction, but 30mph from another. Would cause a legal fiasco if there was a serious pedestrian accident at 30mph, and is just plainly dumb. They know it needs to be changed, as they did regarding the lack of signs optside the Newmarket. It would be nice if they could get their act together, before the grim reaper strikes our poor innocent neighbours once again. Seems to me that this is a more of a priority that hammering dented white metal sheets into an ugly, but pressumably safe tunnel.

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