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Cruel and unjust

On 11 May 2013 at 2:35pm Concerned cat lover wrote:
It came as a shock when i was woken up at 3:37 on friday morning to find Winston within a hardened shell of paper mache prior to a knocking at the door. He had been the family cat for almost seven years and to have found him in such a way has caused us much distress and I fear he is not at peace due to the horrific nature of his death. The perpetrator remains unknown but I have heard from various sources that this ghastly, wicked crime is not uncommon. Reports started in the 1970s where over fourteen missing cats were found mummified on their owner's doorsteps. Apparently it's a youth phenomenon known by the kids as 'kitty wrapping'. In 1978 the reports stopped and everything seemed to be well again until July 13th 2010 where another innocent victim, "Philip", was found paper mache'd on his owners doorstep. I fear this person or be it, these people, will strike again. If you have a beloved cat i urge you to watch it carefully as I'm sure it's just as precious to you as Winston was to us. This issue needs to be brought to Norman Baker's attention so it would be greatly appreciated by all cat lovers if you write to him about it! The more letters the better!
On 11 May 2013 at 2:59pm Really wrote:
Hoax - nothing in the news - how would you get a cat to stay still long enough for this to happen?
On 11 May 2013 at 11:36pm Bloke 2 wrote:
They drug them, then wrap them, then you-know-what them. 'Have their wicked way'. It was a craze back in '73, it was brought over here after the Vietnam war. The paper mache is actually newspaper but takes on mache properties after the act has finished.
On 12 May 2013 at 11:39am Concerned cat lover wrote:
This is not a hoax, if it was it would be extremely distasteful, have an inch of sympathy.
On 13 May 2013 at 12:35pm Kettle wrote:
If true, this is disgusting. I know what I would do to anyone I found to be involved in this. Human beings suck.
If this your child, better keep an eye on them.

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