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Cricket with Lewes Priory CC - all ages and levels

On 23 Mar 2021 at 5:29pm Lewes Priory Cricket Club wrote:
Starting again at Easter:  cricket with Lewes Priory CC!
All levels and ages welcome.  Age group teams and training for all juniors  - including absolute beginners.  Juniors from age 6 upwards.  
New women's team starting this season.  Dedicated training/teams for girls and women.
Three senior teams and the famous Priory Ruins - LPCC's friendly side!    For men and women who would like to try cricket or pick up from where you left off at school, our Priory Ruins team is made for you!  Affordable second hand kit available.  Friendly games against other like-minded team
Venue for all above:  Stanley Turner Ground (beside Lewes rugby club).  Easy parking.
Please see website for more information (see link)
All welcome.

Check it out here »

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