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Crazy over development in Lewes and Mid Sussex

On 6 Jul 2006 at 4:07pm MC wrote:
Not content with straining the infrastructure of Lewes with the Phoenix development it appears likely that the country side surrounding Lewes could be seeing the introduction of well over 1,000 new houses a year for the next 20 years. This is a lot. Seeing as Lewes/Mid Sussex already has a very overloaded infrastructure (have you tried getting through the Culfail tunnel and then up the A26 between 4 and 6 pm?), including a shortage of the elixir of life, water (The Barcombe reservoir is depressingly low, about a third full perhaps) it seems the wrong place to put new developments. Personally I think it's about time we acknowledged that the South was full and encouraged new houses and businesses to start up in less stressed areas, hopefully taking the onus off London as the necessary centre of everything.
Anyway the consultants who wrote the stupid report are here:
The article about it in the Lewes News is here:
I blame the fat Prestcott geeza myself. He's been entirely useless all the time he's been in Govt. and has not done one useful thing that I can see (apart from punching that bloke perhaps). He had the chance as transport minister to create an integrated transport policy and didn't even try. I blame him for the complete standstill many of our roads come to every morning and afternoon.
And while I'm off on one can anyone now defend Margaret Thatcher's decision to sell off the railway and utility companies (including water, can you believe it?). But at least I didn't vote for her.
Why are our politicians so completely incomptetant? It's like some sort of disease that gets you as soon as you become an MP and becomes progressively worse as you move up the greasy pole.
On 6 Jul 2006 at 4:12pm MC wrote:
The draft South East plan is here. It's facinating.... no really.... ;-/
On 6 Jul 2006 at 6:20pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Second only to Alice in Wonderland that was one of the best fictional documents that I almost read.
Ideological but not practicle.
Loved the bit about Newhaven - to continue the regeneration of the town to strengthen its economic base, revitalise the port and improve the environment... by shoving a bloody great incinerator in the middle.
Yup!... makes sense.
On 7 Jul 2006 at 10:01pm cinders wrote:
bloody hell you sound like you know all the gov bods you must be old and past it bet you have not had sex for 10 years at least
On 8 Jul 2006 at 6:35pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Just the once... today
On 7 Aug 2006 at 4:34pm Roger Ramjet wrote:
Don't blame Prezza about transport. He really thought he was going to be allowed to do something. Never thought about the Dear Leader's terror of upsetting the Range Roving classes and Gordo's veto on any expense over 10p.

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