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Council recycling

On 13 Feb 2007 at 10:09am The Super K wrote:
SHS 's thread on the gippos talks a little on Recycling.
Why is it when living up Malling we were given a Glass bag with the recycling boxes but now up we're up Nevil they refuse to take/empty it?
Why do Malling get to recycle glass and not nevil? its the same council workers isn't it?
On 15 Feb 2007 at 6:58pm SHS wrote:
Did you know that using acid hydrolysis you can make ethanol out of landfill waste? Of course, not only do we not have any consumer-friendly recycling facilities but neither do we have any vehicles that can take ethanol...... In Holland one - specially-adapted - refuse lorry takes all household waste + glass + plastics + paper + garden refuse, the latter four items all kept separate for re-cycling. This is done weekly and avoids tens of thousands of car-journeys by consumers to the local dump or re-cycling centre.
On 17 Feb 2007 at 7:46pm The Super K wrote:
How does that answer my question? I don't give a t@$$ what they do in Holland. I'm asking about Lewes, ENGLAND

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