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Coucil Run Funeral ceremonies

On 17 May 2015 at 3:52pm Puzzled wrote:
Bumping this up as no one has provided a simple reasonable answer.
an someone explain why the county council feel it's necessary to use our taxes to provide Funeral ceremonies. There are already plenty of local Independent Celebrants providing this service. They also provide registrars for baby namings. This is most definetly not an essential service and in the age of cut backs why on earth are they doing it. They are snatching work away from local Celebrants. Whatever next? The council selling wedding dresses or even setting themselves up as greengrocers?
On 17 May 2015 at 5:03pm Parson's nose wrote:
Due to the 1786 poor laws and the 1889 revisions and the Union act of 1901 they are obliged to
On 17 May 2015 at 5:36pm Historians wrote:
Otherwise, there'd be dead bodies laying in the road, again !
On 17 May 2015 at 9:56pm Puzzled wrote:
They are no laws about a funeral CEREMONY, Parsons Nose, you mis understand my post.
On 17 May 2015 at 10:30pm Deary me wrote:
What a shame Puzzled is misunderstood. It bodes ill. Some of the good reasons for such acts were settled in previous centuries. I suspect the C's are getting excited and wanting to revisit all base lines. In the end it only leads to revolution Puzzled. Ask a historian. Clodhopping into treating others less fortunate as inhuman has never worked out well. Even if one is not bothered about allowing everyone some dignity at the end, and thinks that it is their own fault they cannot afford the costs of a funeral and celebrant and ceremony on zero hours contracts, unemployment etc, people only put up with such selfishness and inequality for so long. What finally ignites revolt is rarely predictable. Be kind, to be so is also a wise move for yourself, it is wisely self centred. Puzzled, can you suggest alternative funding ideas for those who need help? Churches? Trust funds set up by those inherited money made though slavery, there is a lot of that down South? Any creative ideas?
On 17 May 2015 at 11:55pm puzzled wrote:
Deary me, yes I can suggest an alternative, don't have a funeral ceremony if you don't want one. It's not compulsory. Nor is there a law about it. If you die and have no money then the state pays. This has got nothing to do with my original posting though.

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