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On 4 Feb 2017 at 11:15pm Amy wrote:

Premises Licence Application - Licensing Act 2003
Name of applicant: Cote Restaurants Ltd
Full Postal Address of Premises: Cote, 82 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1XW
Proposed Licensable Activities: The sale of alcohol Monday to Sunday from 10am to 12 midnight for consumption on and off the premises, recorded music Monday to Sunday 8am to 12 midnight indoors and Late Night Refreshment Monday to Sunday 11pm to 12 midnight.
The details of this application may be viewed in the Licensing Register at Southover House, Southover Road, Lewes during opening hours. Any persons wishing to make representation in respect of the above must do so in writing within 28 days of 20th January 2017
On 4 Feb 2017 at 11:44pm Another B and B lady wrote:
Excellent news.
On 4 Feb 2017 at 11:50pm Woody wrote:
One of the best 'chains' there is.
On 4 Feb 2017 at 11:57pm Local wrote:
That the old Lloyds?
On 5 Feb 2017 at 12:36am A Person wrote:
Yes, went past there this afternoon. I'll be glad to see that building fixed up: it's in a sorry state.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 8:59am Lewes resident. wrote:
Brilliant news. And to be at the top of town is even better. Lewes desperately needs a consistently good restaurant. Let's hope there is no interference from the planning people -such as the so called "friends" of Lewes. And let's hope it comes very soon as there is nowhere to eat in Lewes anymore - apart from the lovely Panda Garden imho.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 9:30am Marco wrote:
Good news. Much better food than below the "rent a room" complex.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 10:31am Historian wrote:
Doubt it will be this year, there's lots of work to in that building, inside and out. Lloyds didn't exactly leave it in any acceptable state, must have had a terribly loose lease. Tenants are usually expected to leave in an 'as found' state.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 2:25pm Amon Wildes wrote:
Rather resent your slur on the Friends of Lewes, Lewes Resident. Over many years, the Friends have worked to preserve many, many buildings: Fitzroy house springs to mind among many others. The Friends were instrumental in stopping the ruinous bypass cutting the town in half, rebuilt numerous flint walls and many, many other projects that most Lewes residents (who claim to love the town) never know about, or care to find out. Why not join the Friends of Lewes and help influence what gets preserved and built in the Town if you feel so strongly.....?
On 5 Feb 2017 at 4:06pm What rubbish wrote:
We need a mixture of good chains not another quasi Italian restaurant!! I could tell you the vague details of a dish and the exact price. Same as cafe rouge, cote, etc
Mix bit of feta with olives. Lovely! £4 please!
On 5 Feb 2017 at 5:25pm Another B and B lady wrote:
I was under the impresion that Cote is quasi French not Italian. Believe it's in the same stable now as Bills. Most people are very happy with a Cote and I look forward to it arriving up in the High Street. It was destined for School Hill originally - where the Thai Place is. Pleased that it has finally found a site in Lewes.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 7:26pm Taff wrote:
Thanks for the history lesson Amon.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 8:09pm Amon wildes wrote:
Wasn't meant to be a history lesson Taff, just responding to Lewes Resident's slur on Friends of Lewes who never did him, or anyone any harm. My point still stands - why not join them and have some influence, not just carp from the sidelines....?
On 5 Feb 2017 at 8:51pm Jennifer wrote:
I have reviewed the Côte menu and frankly it is Lewes pub food with garlic. I have friends who raise an eyebrow at our family's move down to a town that still has no sign of anything leading to a Michelin star. There really will still be nowhere to eat. The hotel restaurants are too unreliable. Lewes must to better to raise its game. It is apparently showing difficulty at being the premium town to attract newcomers from the better income classes we were once convinced it could be. Perhaps something altogether exclusive should be opened in what was Hugh Rae?
On 5 Feb 2017 at 8:58pm Marco wrote:
Anon Wildes. Your hypocrisy beggars belief. You say the fiends of lewes preserved Fitzroy House, yet they approved building of the Premier inn immediately next to it so that light was taken from it, possible damage due to heavy demolition and construction works and misery to the owners who had to endure all the noise and disturbance as well as loss of value to their property. Some friends we can do without.
On 5 Feb 2017 at 9:31pm Lewes Voter 3 wrote:
Complete disgrace the Premier Inn has brought to this town. I objected to the Council. It should never have been built and needs closing down. No need and nobody from Lewes wanted it. Should have reopened the magistrates court instead of taking money from local boarding houses. I don't like seeing foreign food in a British town anyway.
On 6 Feb 2017 at 6:17pm Horseman7 wrote:
"Nobody from Lewes wanted it." I'm from Lewes; I live in Lewes; I wanted it; I still want it. You're not speaking for me then.
On 6 Feb 2017 at 8:30pm Amon Wildes wrote:
No Marco, The Friends of Lewes did not 'approve' the Premier Inn. Lewes Doiateict Council and the South Downs National Park Authority approved the developer's plans for a building on the site of the redundant Magistrates Court. The Tory Government closed many Magistrates Courts and then Lewes building was put on the market. It took two years to sell forthe ridiculous knockdown price of one million quid. (Quite a few Lewes houses sell for more ... and we, the taxpayers, took the hit for the cheap sale) The developer's plans were submitted, commented on by the 'Friends' the CAAG and many residents. The development was passed by the Planning Department. The Friends and several other interested citizens made representations to change the design to ameliorate the impact on Fitzroy house. Whitbread plc has leased the top floor for the Premier Inn - it does not own the building. The Premier Inn seems to be doing very good business and the South Downs National Park authority said Lewes needed more affordable and decent bedrooms. It has had little impact on the b and bs and airbnbs but may well be hqving an impact on the White Hart.
On 6 Feb 2017 at 11:09pm Local wrote:
Ridiculous knockdown price.
Two years to sell.
So how long would you like it to have remained empty, for sale for loads more, but unsold?
Please tell...
On 7 Feb 2017 at 3:06pm Amon Wildes wrote:
Just replying to above Lewes voter 3 who suggested it should be a magistrates' court and many people at the time kept on saying the building should have been reused as we had paid for it In the first place. Lots of fanciful schemes were put forward, arts centre, theatre, community centre. Etc. Etc. All worthy, but as ever no one could explain who would pay for any of this. So, yes it was flogged off pretty cheaply as a building site. I was just suggesting it should probably have been flogged off sooner for development and might have made more money.
On 8 Feb 2017 at 2:37pm Marco wrote:
@Amon Wildes. I am aware that the Fiends of Lewes have no authority to approve planning, however they supported the SDNPA's recommendation for approval. Fortunately the planning committee didn't agree and it took 3 planning applications to get a half decent building. Now I'm sure you are a wiseman but how can you speak of the impact on local businesses?
On 8 Feb 2017 at 6:22pm Amon Wildes wrote:
I would imagine that the impact on local business is good. More tourists and visitors. (Lewes' only raisin d'etre now is as a tourist destination and even more so in the future). I do have knowledge of some B and B business in the Town and am not aware of them suffering particularly. Hopefully someone will immediately come onto the Forum to tell us that their B and B business has taken a hit since the Premier Inn opened and will say 'I told you so'. No doubt The White Hart must be finding it hard to compete. I do think that many of the smaller business will unfortunately struggle soon because of the enormous business rate hike. We can only hope that even though we will all be poorer because of Brexit, foreign tourists will come in greater numbers as we will be such a cheap destination. I suppose the Eastbourne tourist busses may increase too as it's now so expensive to go to Europe. So, places like Lewes may, just, be insulated from the downturn to come.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 10:04am Grant Talibard wrote:
I love good food and I rate Côte very highly. Their restaurant un Brighton is always busy, the food is delicious and the service always efficient and friendly .... I look forward very much to Côte coming to Lewes.

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