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Corbyn Vindicated

On 4 Dec 2015 at 9:49am pn wrote:
I said Oldham would be crucial for Corbyn. Labour have had a good result, increasing their share. Meanwhile Opinion polls have Sadiq Khan 6% ahead in the London Mayoral election. Khan is a left winger who nominated Corbyn ( although he has also been energetically distancing himself from the beard ). All good news for those who yearn for the Socialist republic of Great Britain.
Before the Red Flag is sung and the purging knives sharpened; a note of caution. Both Oldham and London were constituencies that moved in the opposite direction to the rest of the country at the general election. In Meacher and (pre Boris) Livingstone, both have already elected extreme left wing leaders. It says something for low expectations that holding steady here, is counted as a win.
Cameron has made little secret of his wish for Corbyn to limp along and I wonder if there might be the hint of a smile on his shiny Etonian face this morning.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 11:10am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I can't even begin to think how far to the right you'd have to be to think of Michael Meacher as "extreme" left wing.
Even though he was a friend and ally of Tony Benn, he was well to the right of him.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 11:24am Mark wrote:
It is unusual as far as pn posts go. It seems to me to be basically factual, almost reasonable. Oddly unsettling in the same sort of way it would be to eat tomato soup with green food colouring in it. There's bound to be some sort of trick coming.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 12:05pm Clement Attlee wrote:
This report might back up the feeling that Corbyn is getting a bad press :

Check it out here »
On 4 Dec 2015 at 12:12pm MrPointment wrote:
Sorry Clement I just clicked on thumbs down in error!
On 4 Dec 2015 at 12:46pm Matron wrote:
Considering the monstering our dear Jeremy has been given since he became leader the Oldham result is outstanding for him personally and delivers a strong message to the Labour party that they have a potential winner leading them.Newman,get back in your bed,time for your enema!
On 4 Dec 2015 at 1:10pm Belladonna wrote:
Matron, are you related to Mrs Twine ?
On 4 Dec 2015 at 1:40pm mark2 wrote:
Thanks for the Huffington Post link. My interpretation of the appalling press jeremy Corbyn has suffered lies within the nexus of the Establishment. The Press, lobbyists, politicians etc are all part of that tight knit metropolitan bubble. They socialize with each other, attend the same events etc. They are comfortable with their professional 'opposing' positions -it's their long used modus vivendi. When someone enters this well oiled machine from the outside it throws a spanner in the works, disturbs the known fault lines. The incomer is not liked at all. Even usually reliable journalists such as Polly Toynbee (The Guardian) undermined Jeremy Corbyn (though she did appear to soften that stance when she spoke in Lewes recently.) The new Labour leader has upset these cosy groupings and alliances. it is a breath of fresh air; we now have a principled man who is willing to raise issues in the public domain that have been suppressed for years. Moreover he is trusted and believed - and courageous enough to shine a light on the moribund rituals of a powerful entrenched Establishment.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 1:52pm yawn wrote:
As far as I can tell the Labour now represent immigrants, ethnic minority's, student's and metropolitan lefties.
He's a marxist with a low grade intellect and worrying cabal of extremists he calls friends.

enjoy more mass immigration and subservience to the EU if he gets into any power.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 2:29pm loada cabal's wrote:
Excuse my ' but are you a small but significant part of some minorities ? Or just another Lewes bell***er. I assume your intellect has been graded, possibly in an institution near Ringmer.
On 4 Dec 2015 at 2:40pm patriot wrote:
Corbin is finished. look what kind of scum support him.

Check it out here »
On 4 Dec 2015 at 6:17pm Tom wrote:
Farage has revealed his true racist colours
I think his grapes may be slightly sour
On 5 Dec 2015 at 10:28pm Dick and Harry wrote:
Vindicated - he should be castrated.

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