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Conscription in Syria

On 13 Sep 2015 at 9:12pm Border Control wrote:
How come the BBC hasn't told us that Consription to Assad 's army has recently been beefed up, with raids and arrests in the streets for those of eligible age. Might explain why there are so many young men in the backgrounds of their news stories. Our Fathers, Grand Fathers, and Great-Grand Fathers wouldn't be impressed would they ?
On 13 Sep 2015 at 9:33pm Rosiecheeks wrote:
If they are recruiting, perhaps they should send all those male refugees/migrants back there Instead of clogging up Europe. They could be ISA all infiltrating into our countries, worrying!!!
On 13 Sep 2015 at 9:46pm Paul Newm@n wrote:
We're fed a load of lies!
Don't believe a word they say its all lies! Its hard to know exactly whats going on when we're dosed with so much misinformation.
Sadly that's the way our government likes to keep us, all running scared like headless chickens.
On 13 Sep 2015 at 10:07pm Tory Fear Machine wrote:
LIES,LIES,LIES and more LIES.Divide and rule.
On 13 Sep 2015 at 10:22pm Some..Person wrote:
Here we go..
Your full of yourself..
Is it too difficult to keep the original name of the thread?
On 13 Sep 2015 at 10:25pm Mavis wrote:
Anti imigrant protests and riots in Germany too, not a word on BBC just people welcoming them !
On 13 Sep 2015 at 10:37pm Paul Newm@n wrote:
Well.. You can keep the Forum all to yourselves.. between Dingo/Troll or whatever you like to call yourself and that deluded Paul Newman.. I hope you two will be very happy in your delusional World of make believe.
On 14 Sep 2015 at 11:35am ClicketyYak wrote:
The government feeds us what info they want us to know to benefit themselves but this isn't N Korea. We do have independent news organisations who just report it as it is. If you believe the BBC & ITV are censored then we're off to conspiracy land again.
On 15 Sep 2015 at 9:48pm swivel-eyed bigot wrote:
I suggest these cowardly "refugees" learn from the example of the Volkssturm during the last weeks of the German resistance to the forces of Bolshevism in 1945.
Even a toddler can throw a grenade...

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