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Computor idiot needs help PLEASE

On 25 Jun 2009 at 7:25am Maggiesal wrote:
Can anyone please help an O.A.P. newish to this lark who enjoys this forum.
Approximatly every other day my 'scrolling down/up bar' takes on a mind of it's own and jiggles for England. To date I have -: tried the little arrows top and bottom, cleaned disc, defragmented and switched off comp. and at the mains for a while. These measures seem to work for maybe 24 hours. Can anyone help in VERY idiot terms. At this moment it's o.k. but an hour ago AHHHHHHH.
Yesterday was good butTuesday all day I chased that pesky thing everytime I switched on. Whoops it's off again. Thanks
On 25 Jun 2009 at 8:20am Good guesser wrote:
My bet is you have an optical mouse (a red light shines from under it). When they play up, the comp appears to have a mind of its own. Try another mouse for a while!
On 25 Jun 2009 at 8:52am PC Universe wrote:
If you're using a scroll mouse try pushing down on the scroll wheel.
On 25 Jun 2009 at 8:56am Ashley wrote:
Mouse may need a clean
On 25 Jun 2009 at 9:20am maggiesal wrote:
Many thanks. I am hoping it is something like that . I will give the mouse a going over.
On 25 Jun 2009 at 2:55pm C3PO wrote:
Defo your mouse. If it has a red light underneath then use a white sheet of paper as a mouse mat as some textures can send 'em crazy! If it has a ball then spin the retaining disk, clean out all the bits of fluff (ie. skin flakes and crumbs) and re-assemble...
On 26 Jun 2009 at 9:35am Ashley wrote:
Was it your mouse?
On 26 Jun 2009 at 11:09am maggiesal wrote:
Yes i think so. I could not clean it so bought a new one inc. key board from a local store and spent the rest of the day swearing and trying to install it with the help of my daughter-in-law on the phone. I thought the box looked odd when I opened it as it sort of fell out and the batteries were installed already and the then penny dropped. Was it a returnes?????. My son came at 7 this morning changed the batteries and look I am typing and it appers to be o.k.
Thank you very much everyone who helped. I will be back with my little problems as I try to manage on my own as my kids are busy and have been suffering for some time with this problem and begun to think it was a new computor jobby. You lot certainly lead me straight to the problem. Thanks
On 26 Jun 2009 at 3:02pm Ashley wrote:
No problem its always a pleasure to help
On 26 Jun 2009 at 4:52pm Wilhelm wrote:
You didn't buy it from the computer shop in Cliffe, did you? I'm surprised he's still trading.. actually reminds me that I should report him to Microsoft Anti-Piracy.
On 26 Jun 2009 at 7:40pm maggiesal wrote:
No I bought it from a large chain store that sells everything but can't complain too much because they were very sorry and compensated for my trouble . That said I should have known better but got in a right knot thinking I really can't be this thick.
Anyway if any of you need a knitting pattern explained, crochet or general old fashioned craft I am your wrinkly.

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