On 28 Feb 2011 at 12:11pm Tango and Cash wrote:
We've had a Planning Notice letter posted asking for opinions on the demolition of the old St Johns Ambulance garages on Timberyard Lane, in Cliffe.
The developer wants to put up five more of those massive town house things - there are already two blocks of them up behind Morris Road and Timberyard Lane.
However the proposal makes no written mention of the fact that this would also involve knocking down the White Rock Community Centre/Dance Academy building in Timberyard Lane, which the drawings clearly show will disappear.
Could anyone who thinks this is not agood idea please make an objection?
Bit dodgy isn't it?
On 28 Feb 2011 at 1:12pm mr parker wrote:
more homes no where for people to park .Just what lewes needs
On 28 Feb 2011 at 1:25pm Matt Kent wrote:
Is it a formal planning application?
Is there a planning application reference number?
On 28 Feb 2011 at 1:35pm Tango and Cash wrote:
Yes it's LW/11/0149/NP.
The designs have garages under the houses, which is good in a way but makes the buildings pretty high - not great news for the neighbours either. Ho hum.
On 28 Feb 2011 at 1:36pm Tango and Cash wrote:
On 28 Feb 2011 at 5:02pm Squeeze in wrote:
If the proposal involves removing permenantly a public amenity, then that is a specific planning issue. This is the same issue that enraged everyone in St John St, when the scout hut was demolished. This resulted in the HQ gallery, that has been a complete flop, instead of the community space, or green area that were both there originally and campaigned for without success. (thanks to the Planning Commitee vote of controversial ex-Cllr Kim Clarke then Lib Dem, now Con) It is worth your going to the planning department, looking up the file for that application, and finding out a bit more about how to protect spaces available for public use. There is also a Highways issue that has arisen before, due to poor vehicular access, so it is worth looking at any of the original planning applications for the new builds in the area. Fire access is also a planning issue if a fire enging cannot get near the proposed site.
On 28 Feb 2011 at 6:30pm i love houses wrote:
People need houses and flats in this town in order to live. Like it or not, the town is getting bigger, all be it slowly but we have to accomodate peoples living needs.
if this is at the expense of a dance hall, then so be it. There are plenty of halls to hire out for this....St mary's, landport boys club, Malling etc so please give it a rest.
I get the distinct impression that most people in this town have this "i'm alright jack, Ive got my house, **** the rest of you" attitude. People need new houses, time to accept that and if small things like a dance hall are in the way, well tough, find another venue.
On 28 Feb 2011 at 6:50pm Spartacus wrote:
Houses Please! I can't tell you how much I hate the medium dance as an expressive visual art form. Just try to make them a bit nicer looking than the ones in Hillman Close.
On 28 Feb 2011 at 11:36pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
The former St John buildings are dreadful. The main building has a huge crack running down it, and they look awful. Even if the new development is a total lash-up it will be an improvement.
I see also that the houses are flood resilient as they have no habitable accommodation on the ground floor, which makes sense. Maybe no point bitching about this one.
On 1 Mar 2011 at 8:15am TDA wrote:
Does seem unusual that they haven't mentioned knocking down a thriving Community Centre. There comes a tipping point when there so many houses in a town and not enough commercial and community premises that everyone has to go elsewhere for their shopping and leisure time.
I see there are more and more shops being turned into residential properties on the high street for example. And what if all the youth clubs, pubs and halls were knocked down to make flats and houses? What would be the point of living here?
On 1 Mar 2011 at 8:27am Taff wrote:
Take a look at the proposal by Oakleys for the land at Malling Brooks, clearly states 'no affordable housing requirement'
That will help young local people!
On 1 Mar 2011 at 3:12pm not from around here wrote:
So 'vital' is this community centre that I've never heard of it! Maybe Lewes needs more places like The Nutty Wizard where young people can.. not be bothered to open most of the time?
On 1 Mar 2011 at 5:35pm Mr Forks wrote:
Thriving community centre!!!!!! Really???!!!!! Hmmmmmm! Not sure I've heard of it! They probably didn't meantion it because no ones ever heard of it!
On 1 Mar 2011 at 5:44pm Vesbod wrote:
Cliffe who ?
On 1 Mar 2011 at 6:39pm Mr Forks wrote:
On 2 Mar 2011 at 1:09pm Tango and Cash wrote:
Well it seems busy to me, little kids doing ballet and teenagers with their street dance moves, grown ups tangoing round and around. That's what I glimpse in the evening from my window. I'm at work during the day.
On 9 Mar 2011 at 10:56am WW74 wrote:
"not from around here" and "Mr Forks", never heard of the place?! Maybe you should take a walk around this town and see what's going on! The Dance Academy that currently occupies the premises IS a thriving dance school, producing lots of very talented young dancers aswell as providing adult classes too. And before that the St Johns Ambulance used the building for years, providing training to young and old first aiders who give up their time for public events. But if we need five more unaffordable homes then so be it, let's kick the kids on the street!