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On 18 Jul 2023 at 12:15pm Formerly AC-T wrote:
Yesterday morning, I was so sick of looking at the state of the grass verges in my street that I contacted ESCC via FixMyStreet to ask when they would be cut.
A few hours later, a man rocked up on a ride-on mower and cut them. First thing this morning, a man with a strimmer came and did the edges.
If anyone lives in a road where the verges desperately need cutting, can they try reporting it and see if the same thing happens?
On 18 Jul 2023 at 5:32pm Nevillman wrote:
Do you think that will the insects that lived in your verge and the birds that lived on them were also sick of the sight of your verge? What about other people who walked down your street. Will the sight of dead grass lying on your verge be an improvement?
Leaving verges to grow strikes me as being an easy environmental action and frankly we should just get used to it. I hope that the council don't have people sitting around waiting to be called into action when someone gets sick of seeing long grass.
On 19 Jul 2023 at 10:31am The Old Mayor wrote:
The town (small t) is a disgrace !!! insects don't live on grasses !! Grasses dont have pollen, !! Its just a 'popular' way for the council to save money to send to Eastbourne so they can have pretty flower beds and neat verges, whilst we here in lewes look like a down - trodden over paying idiots !!!
On 20 Jul 2023 at 3:42pm pedant wrote:
"!nsects don't live on grasses, Grasses dont have pollen" Are you sure about that?
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