On 12 Mar 2016 at 8:22am Traveller wrote:
The barriers have finally been installed at Cockshut Lane. Not only does it make things a lot safer for pedestrians and cyclists but it also reverts that section of the lane to its original purpose ie occasional use by agricultural vehicles only and not a rat run for lazy commuters!
On 12 Mar 2016 at 9:53am Wotcher Cock wrote:
At last the cock shut.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 12:50pm walker wrote:
yes they are a rare breed cyclists and walkers along the cockshut lane, you may see the odd one.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 1:20pm Traveller wrote:
You obviously don't use it much then. I see walkers and cyclists on it virtually every day. It is also part of the Egrets Way which is gradually coming together.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 2:20pm A Person wrote:
This is great news. To "walker" I'd say that a big reason for many of us not to use the lane was the danger of an Orange Badge van bombing down there at top speed in complete disregard of the safety of any pedestrian or cycle traffic along there. It was worrying enough just exiting the gate from Stanley Turner, because the heavy shrubbery made it really difficult to see them hurtling towards you.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 4:21pm Belladonna wrote:
Very good news. For once a planning decision upheld and enforced.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 5:18pm walker wrote:
I have observed the odd person walking and the odd cyclist, seems an awful lot of money to have spent on the Egrets way for a few people.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 7:05pm Old Malling wrote:
Excellent news. It's heavily used by walkers and cyclists and no doubt more will use it if the cars don't.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 7:37pm walker wrote:
Old Malling, I can guarantee it is not heavily used by walkers or cyclists and the vast majority of cyclists use the Kingston Road and not the cycle path alongside it due to the fact that it is shared by pedestrians which generally hold the cyclists up.
On 12 Mar 2016 at 7:38pm Lazy commuter wrote:
Where are these so called commuters trying to get to ? I can't see it as a short cut yo anywhere
On 13 Mar 2016 at 1:36am webbo wrote:
Would lazy commuters ever take a long way round?
On 13 Mar 2016 at 8:10am Walker wrote:
In my experience it was 4 x 4 drivers wanting a faux off road experience on their way to sitting behind a desk for the rest of the day..
On 14 Mar 2016 at 8:54am Van driver wrote:
There are other vehicles that have to access the business at Rise Farm, in addition to Orange Badge vehicles. A Person, there will now be even more vans and trucks "bombing" at "top speed" along Ham Lane, around the bends by the dump; and getting a fair lick on along that long stretch to the sports club in order to make up lost time.
You had better confine your leisure walks to the now closed section to avoid having to leap out of the way of those struggling to earn a living.
On 14 Mar 2016 at 11:43am Traveller wrote:
The businesses knew the restrictions when they set up shop in the first place so there is no sympathy at all .The road between Stanley Turner and the bridge was only designated for occasional use by agricultural vehicles. If you want to "bomb" along Ham Lane at speed to "make up for lost time" then that indicates your driving skills leave a lot to be desired and the idea of pedestrians having to leap out of the way means your obviously prepared to risk being done for driving without due care or at worse causing death by reckless driving. I suggest you find a new profession as being a professional driver is obviously very hard for you if you want to drive like a complete tw*t !
On 17 Mar 2016 at 12:09pm Fay wrote:
The Underpass is of course the recognised access to Rise Farm this is private not public use as all large vehicles use this route. When exiting bridleway you only have bridleway rights on that part.The Ergrets way is a umbrella term and misleading as the ergrets way is a path along the river Ham lane is not a cycle path only a access route for vehicles Re Mr M Harper Rights Of Way and nothing to do with you. who its used.
On 17 Mar 2016 at 12:54pm Fey wrote:
I think you're a bit fey, Fay .
On 18 Mar 2016 at 11:16am joecocker wrote:
Kingston and Cranedown well done more money spent on you to keep people from cockshut Lane Bonfire- Rugby visiting teams and local teams using bridleway for parking and on C7 spoiling your view. 200k cycle route no one uses new crossing 20k where theres no pedestrians want do you want next you object to any planning from Rodmell to Lewes what about rest of lewes but as they say money goes to money and with councillors living in these 2 villages it makes sense. What about Ham Lane next to block all traffic using it. What community spirit you have.take take take
On 18 Mar 2016 at 11:29am walker wrote:
well said Joecocker, , but remember it seems actually to be a small group of people bulldozing their way through these proposals for their own personal benefit.As you say money talks.