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Climate Change & Maria Caulfield

On 14 Jul 2015 at 2:20pm On the way to Newhaven wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've just been forwarded a rather waffley email about a meeting with Maria Caulfield to 'discuss climate change' at Seaford Library this Friday at 16:00.
I'm interested to see what our new MP has to say, but there's no contact info. Long shot I know, but does anyone on here know any more about it?
On 14 Jul 2015 at 2:49pm Merlin Milner wrote:
Does she have an office in the constituency yet?
On 14 Jul 2015 at 3:33pm Red ken wrote:
I bet she hasn't set foot in the constituency since the election.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 4:13pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I'm afraid she has. I saw her in an office I happened to be visiting.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 4:26pm trooper wrote:
Given her preference during the election campaign for being in the villages and remote places, her office is possibly out in the country side then she will not have to interact with the "townies".
She was very disinclined to be seen in Lewes during the hustings and since the election she seems to have vanished.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 6:55pm A Person wrote:
She has popped up occasionally in coverage of Parliament. She is really very underwhelming. I should be very interested to hear her views on climate change, but I won't be holding my breath for anything very revelatory.
On 14 Jul 2015 at 9:10pm SouthStreeter wrote:
I didn't realise Seaford library even had a climate change problem ... crikey
On 14 Jul 2015 at 9:48pm RedHeartedCyclist wrote:
Word is she has been looking for a place in seaford for an office. Obviously to be close to cllr Blackman and the other conservatives who fear the rising UKIP vote that's growing down there on the coast
On 14 Jul 2015 at 9:57pm Mickey J wrote:
I bet it was a cardboard cut-out of her that you saw in that
office. You really wouldn't be able to tell the difference! In fact the cut-out probably speaks more sense.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 10:26am Belladonna wrote:
Maybe we could ask our resident Tory head office rep to use his special influence with her and get her to visit the town. Come on Paul Newman - what is MC doing for Lewes ?
On 15 Jul 2015 at 11:29am Old Bloke wrote:
For all the information I need on climate change I watch the weather forecast
On 15 Jul 2015 at 11:43am Farmer Palmer wrote:
She stated in the Lewes hustings that if fracking was 'proved to be safe', she was for it. Nuff said. However, I have spotted her in Lewes numerous times, and I have seen her on the TV in Parliament a few times also. All she needs to do is get my land bought so that the Lewes-Uckfield rail link is finally reinstated!
On 15 Jul 2015 at 12:53pm Isambard wrote:
We need to enter into negotiations, Farmer. I have a line to the North to consider. Something about High Speed I assume HM government require a velocity exceeding 20 miles per hour.Bridges and navigation I have no problem with.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 3:58pm trooper wrote:
@ Belladona, In answer to your question, nothing, I get the distinct impression that our newly elected MP would wish that the County Town of LEWES would dissapear. For her we are a pain in the proverbial,life is much nicer for her in the little villages where she is top dog,and the local are not stroppy.
We have mindless clone of Tory Central Command,they will say jump and she will ask "How high" and she is here for five years God help us.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 4:07pm Local wrote:
trooper - any facts to bear out that rant? She has been perfectly responsive to an issue I drew to her attention; quietly and not in the Sussex Express kind of way, but effective and engaged. Try for yourself - you might have reason to be a touch less myopic.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 8:02pm Paul wrote:
Why shouldn't she have her office in Seaford? It's bigger than Lewes isn't it? And most of her votes are there and in the rural areas - as well as her volunteers who would help in her office. Looking at the council election results on general Election Day the Tory vote in Lewes town was very low so why bother. The constituency shouldn't be called Lewes anyway - maybe Seahaven and South Downs - Lewes is a pretty insignificant part of the overall constituency.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 8:24pm Sussex Jim wrote:
With posts like the above I would not be surprised if Maria Caulfield was disinclined to visit Lewes town.
In fact, she has already opened the Pells pool for the season a few weeks ago; and has also been seen chatting to constituents in the Cliffe area. The sort of things most normal MPs. do- just get on with the job without making any fuss.
The Conservative office is currently at Bates Farm in Arlington; and is shared with neighbouring Wealden Conservative Association. Perhaps if she had a bit more visible support from the majority that voted for her they might once again open an office in Lewes.
On 15 Jul 2015 at 10:47pm Grafter wrote:
If I was MC I would probably be reluctant to engage with a load of snobby prigprogs of the type who think they own Lewes these days. It's hard to talk to people who are looking down their finely proportioned noses at you.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 7:53am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Lol @ "snobby prigprogs" - great phrase!
I think the MP needs to be based here because the county and district councils are here. It's the centre of administration and it makes sense for our central government representative to be here as well our local ones.
That way we can lobby them all on the same day without incurring extra bus fares.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 9:33am trooper wrote:
@AC-T I agree bu do you really think she cares,it is quite obvious that she does not like Lewes or the people in it.
On 17 Jul 2015 at 10:57am Belladonna wrote:
The meeting has been cancelled. They are worried too many people will turn up.

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