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Christmas concerts

On 13 Nov 2010 at 12:19pm Ruby wrote:
Where is there a really nice traditional carol concert in or around Lewes?
On 13 Nov 2010 at 1:15pm jrsussex wrote:
Good question. I too would like to attend a traditional carol singing event. Far too many are modernised to a degree where they lose the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately I do not know of anywhere, I try each year.
On 14 Nov 2010 at 12:43pm Extra wrote:
Try Southover Church, they have both traditional and contemporary, but be early for a seat as they are extremely popular. Web site will have details.
On 14 Nov 2010 at 1:54pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
They usually have one at St John sub Castro, and I believe there is one at the church at Alfriston that is rather good.
On 15 Nov 2010 at 12:57pm Chuck wrote:
Hamsey Church do a candlelit service (there is no electricity). It is the most amazing church, so I recommend a visit.
On 17 Nov 2010 at 4:06pm Ruby wrote:
Thank you!

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