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Child's violin lost!

On 13 Mar 2011 at 8:01pm Wolf wrote:
We think we absent-mindedly left our daughter's violin in the Pells playground on Friday. (I know, I know...)
It's a quarter-sized instrument in a textile-covered hard case, blue-ish with purple bits. I don't think there is anything with our contact details in the case, unfortunately. We're going to ask at a few places on Monday, but here's hoping that a kind soul took it home with them!

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Bonfire Torches 11:132
Bonfire Torches

There’s a certain charm about window cleaners—the way they seem to float between households, brightening views while carrying... more
I like the walk along the ouse to Hamsey church, the view from the top of the Castle, Pells pool, the antique shops and boot fair, the lion in the window of the 15c bookshop, keere street