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Charcoal grill

On 19 Mar 2009 at 3:38pm Snardy blardfast wrote:
For some strange reason, i really fancied a donner the other day. I'd had one or two beers and got my better half to drive me to the charcy. I haven't had a donner for bloody years so was really looking forward to it only to be faced with a £6 bill and a kebab that tasted s**t.
Has this place gone down hill or hadn't i had enough to drink ?.
Is Efies any better or shall i stick to my usual Indian eateries ?
I was not a happy ant !!!!!!
On 19 Mar 2009 at 4:18pm Supersizer wrote:
What do you expect, not exactly going to be gourmet cuisine is it? I think your theory about not having had enough beer is correct. As for Efes, the two might as well be owned by the same people. As far as I can see, the two have identical prices, almost identical menus and identical food quality. Pizzas are better at Efes. None of this will kill you though so don't worry too much either way.
On 19 Mar 2009 at 5:08pm Snardy blardfast wrote:
I know what you mean about the beer but i actually like the occasional donner whilst sober.
Just thought this time was particularly rank !!!
On 19 Mar 2009 at 6:07pm gordon wrote:
not enough spunk!
On 19 Mar 2009 at 6:57pm Insider wrote:
Both are owned by the same owner
On 19 Mar 2009 at 7:14pm Interested 2 wrote:
I occasionally go to the Charky.But I never order a donner...I saw a programme about mechanically reclaimed meat and amongst other delectables (think turkey twizzlers) this mush is made into the donner ''elephant trunk'...So I always order the lamb cube donner,with mushrooms and onions,shaslik is it? Anyway,they are always nice,and the fact that the charky now make their own flatbreads makes a huge difference.
I haven't been for a while though...
On 19 Mar 2009 at 8:42pm Jilly Zors wrote:
I used to love a doner, in fact as a teenager would sometimes order two at a time. But those days are long gone, the health police have put me off. And have you seen the price of Clearasil nowadays?

You can't beat a good shish though, real lovely lamb meat, all the salad, and the CG do excellent flatbreads. Recommended for a filling meal any time. And a houmous and salad kebab for when you're in need of something unmeaty. Mmmmm.

I don't like the Efes' wooden stair rods.
On 20 Mar 2009 at 8:36am Chav wrote:
I fancied a Donner last night but I could only find a Charlotte. She did the business though. And she took the sticky side after!
On 20 Mar 2009 at 8:47am lord Lanport wrote:
Watched a TV Show last year and it wasn't the meat from Kebab Houses that had all the bacteria ??
It was the salad it was disgusting puts me right off
but when drunk Amazing and so healthy with its 5 a day ..
On 20 Mar 2009 at 10:21am charlotte wrote:
good work chav. it was grat fun. same time tonight
On 20 Mar 2009 at 12:16pm Donner wrote:
Thanks Char, you'se a mate. I'll do the same for you some time, long as it ain't with Chav
On 20 Mar 2009 at 2:54pm apple pie wrote:
As far as I'm aware EFES and Charcoal are owned by the same people now?
On 20 Mar 2009 at 6:26pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
You need to be seriously p*ssed to eat a doner. I used to love them, but one night my wife took a photo of me eating a doner with bits of meat and onions spilling down my shirt and when I saw the photo it made me realise how sordid the whole thing was.

Years later I discovered what they do to your insides and now I'm past the age where I can get away with eating crap, I haven't touched doners.

On the other hand, you can't beat a shish kebab from the Charcoal Grill - lovely stuff.

On the subject of kebab places, has anyone ever had one of those doughnut things? I've never fancied them, but I presume that some people must eat them.

On 11 May 2019 at 7:48am EricJason wrote:
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Check it out here »

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